The effect of spherical aberration on temperature distribution inside glass by irradiation of a high

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In this paper,we study the effect of spherical aberrations on the light intensity and the temperature distribution in the focal region in a 250-kHz femtosecond laser irradiated Ag +-doped borosilicate glass.When a focused beam goes through an interface between air and glass,spherical aberration will result in the separation of the focal point and then cause a clear change of the light intensity distribution along the incident direction.That phenomenon will further influence the longitudinal cross-section temperature distribution in glass.Here we use Ag nanoparticle formation as a marker for establishing temperature distribution and we find that the formation of nanoparticle shows a strong dependence on the temperature field and the detailed precipitation process is also discussed. In this paper, we study the effect of spherical aberrations on the light intensity and the temperature distribution in the focal region in a 250-kHz femtosecond laser irradiated Ag + -doped borosilicate glass. W a focused beam goes through an interface between air and glass , spherical aberration will result in the separation of the focal point and then cause a clear change of the light intensity distribution along the incident direction. That phenomenon will further influence the longitudinal cross-section temperature distribution in glass. Here we use Ag nanoparticle formation as a marker for establishing temperature distribution and we find that the formation of nanoparticle shows a strong dependence on the temperature field and the detailed precipitation process is also discussed.
喷灌对蜜梨增产、果型增大、果色光艳,给梨园承包户的效益显著,对平原节水灌溉起到良好作用,有很好的推广价值。 Irrigation sprinkled pear on the increase in fruit size
摘要:电子电工专业理论教学是一门实践性和理论性都很强的学科,无论对学生将来的就业还是对口升学都起着举足轻重的作用。职业中学的广大专业教师必须从教学效果出发,勤于思考,勇于探索,不断创新,为社会培养出合格的高素质的技能型人才。  关键词:电子电工专业理论课;课堂教学;教学策略  作者简介:戴艳(1977-),女,江苏扬州人,江苏省扬州市江都职业教育集团,讲师。(江苏 扬州 225200)  中图分类
对河口水电站建于1965年,装机容量为1680kw(一台为1360kW,一台为 320kW)。针对1360kW机组装机容量偏小,设备严重老化及电网峰谷电价差距较大,电站于2000年初对1360kW机组增容