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目的了解湖北医药学院附属太和医院孕妇对营养知识的知晓情况及门诊短期营养宣教对孕妇营养认知的影响。方法随机对在该院就诊的孕妇进行营养知识健康宣教,并分别于宣教前后当日及1月后采用同一问卷进行3次营养认知问卷调查,对3次问卷结果比较分析。结果该市孕妇对营养知识的知晓率不高且不全面。营养宣教后当日问卷显示,14项核心内容孕妇仍未完全掌握,除“富含钙的食物”一项外,其余知识点宣教后孕妇知晓率均显著优于宣教前(P<0.05)。宣教后1个月问卷结果显示,孕妇对14项常用营养知识掌握情况优于宣教当日,其中10项与数据记忆相关性较强的知识点孕妇掌握情况均显著优于宣教后当日的问卷结果(P<0.05)。营养宣教前孕妇获取营养知识的最主要途径依次是科普杂志或宣传手册、医护人员、医院宣传栏及网络/电视媒体;宣教后孕妇所选择知识来源途径无变化,但选择比例均高于宣教前,但仅科普杂志或宣传手册和营养师/科2条获知途径宣教前后的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。宣教后关注营养的孕妇(93.03%)明显高于宣教前(73.56%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论该市孕妇营养知识认知情况一般,门诊短期健康教育对孕妇自身提高营养知识、培养积极的营养态度及选择正确的营养知识获知途径均具有重要价值,门诊短期健康教育方便可行且可以取得满意效果。 Objective To understand the awareness of nutritional knowledge among pregnant women in Taihe Hospital Affiliated to Hubei Medical College and the effect of out-patient short-term nutrition education on nutrition awareness of pregnant women. Methods Healthy pregnant women who were treated in this hospital were enrolled in the nutrition knowledge health education. Three nutrition cognition questionnaires were conducted on the same questionnaire on the same day before and after the mission and one month later, and the results of the three questionnaires were analyzed. Results pregnant women in the city awareness of nutritional knowledge is not high and not comprehensive. The questionnaire on the day after nutrition education showed that the 14 core contents of pregnant women were still not completely mastered. Except for the “calcium-rich foods”, the awareness rate of other post-missionary pregnant women was significantly better than that before the mission (P <0.05) . The results of the questionnaire one month after the mission showed that the mastery of 14 commonly used nutritional knowledge by pregnant women was better than that of mission day, and the knowledge of 10 pregnant women with knowledge of data memory was significantly better than that of the questionnaire after the missionary day P <0.05). Nutritional pre-missionary pregnant women access to nutritional knowledge, the most important way followed by popular science magazines or brochures, health care workers, hospital billboards and the network / TV media; After the end of missionary women choose the source of knowledge, no change in the way, but the choice of proportion were higher than pre-education , But there was significant difference (P <0.05) between pre-and post-mission education only for the two methods of acquiring science magazines or brochures and nutritionists / subjects. After the missionary focus on nutrition pregnant women (93.03%) was significantly higher than pre-missionary (73.56%), the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion The understanding of nutrition knowledge of pregnant women in the city is common. Out-patient short-term health education is of great value to pregnant women themselves to improve nutritional knowledge, develop positive nutritional attitude and choose the correct way of knowing nutrition knowledge. Out-patient short-term health education is convenient and feasible and can be satisfied effect.
没执照不能碰鱼杆    今年五月初,我到美国马里兰州去探望叔叔。叔侄俩钓了一次鱼,却买了一次刻骨铭心的教训。  这天下午,我们闲着无事,叔叔便开车带我到距他家3公里之外的一个山湖去钓鱼。叔叔只携带了一支钓竿,领着我来到一个幽静的位置坐下来。我是个钓鱼发烧友,一见到钓竿手就发痒。于是便从叔叔的手中抢来钓竿要先试试。叔叔却连连摆手说:“你没有钓鱼执照,不能钓,这就是我为什么只带一支钓竿的原因。”我却不
美国普渡大学机械工程系的 Yung C.Shin发明了一项用来加工脆性陶瓷材料的创新技术。为使元件更柔软、更易延展 ,在陶瓷材料加工过程中使用激光加热 ,使之达到 180 0多华氏度
你可以在数学仪器中采用多通道发生器和状态及定时分析仪找出问题要害。 You can use multi-channel generators and state and timing analyzers in math instrumentation
垂钓是一项有益于人体健康的户处运动。青草的阵阵芬芳,沁人肺腑的清新空气,柔和的阳光将会使人心旷神怡,陶醉在自然的怀抱中。 诗仙李白有“闲来垂钓碧溪上,勿复乘舟梦日边