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在毛主席发出“工人阶级必须领导一切”的伟大指示后,全国的无产阶级文化大革命的形势越来越好,斗、批、改取得了一个又一个更加伟大的胜利。在工人阶级领导下,广大的革命知识分子按照毛主席的教导,下楼出院,走与工农兵相结合的道路,在接受工农兵再教育的同时,遵循毛主席《实践论》的观点,在变革现实的实践中,动手动脚,大胆实践,在经过了实际测定各种不同口径,型式的水射器近四十套,从中记录、测定、计算了约一万个数字,基本上摸索到了水射器的一般规律,使水射器的最高效率从开始的12%左右逐步提高到30%以上,并初步掌握了在一般条件下恰当地应用水射器的计算,设计方法及提高效率的关键所在,现把我们的初步认识和体会归纳如下: 一、毛主席教导我们:“辩证唯物论的认识论把实践提到第一的地位,认为人的认识一点也不能离开实践,排斥一切否认实践重要性、使认识离开实践的错误理论。”对水射器性能的认识,通过实践所得到的提高,根本的因素在于工人阶级的领导,也就是毛泽东思 After Chairman Mao issued the great instruction that “the working class must lead everything,” the situation in the country’s proletarian cultural revolution is getting better and better, and fighting, approval, and reform have achieved one after another greater victory. Under the leadership of the working class, the broad masses of revolutionary intellectuals went downstairs according to Chairman Mao’s teachings, discharged from the hospital and took the road of integration with the workers, peasants and soldiers. While accepting the retraining of workers, peasants and soldiers, they followed the viewpoint of Chairman Mao’s “Theory of Practice”. In the practice of transforming reality, the hands and feet have been boldly practiced. After actually measuring nearly 40 sets of water jets of various calibers and types, about 10,000 figures have been recorded, measured, and calculated, basically groping. The general rule of the water ejector increases the maximum efficiency of the water ejector gradually from about 12% of the starter to more than 30%, and initially grasps the calculation, design method and efficiency of the proper application of the ejector under general conditions. The key lies in summarizing our preliminary understanding and experience as follows: 1. Chairman Mao taught us: “The epistemology of dialectical materialism puts practice to the foremost status. We believe that people’s understanding can not leave practice at all, and it rejects everything that deny practice. The importance of the theory of misunderstanding to make it out of practice." The understanding of the performance of water ejectors, and the improvement gained through practice, is fundamental to the leadership of the working class, namely Mao Zedong. think
在毛主席大办钢铁光辉思想指引下,1970年,徐州钢铁厂开始配套扩建。 我们现场设计小组由5人组成,下楼出室,深入实际,积极开展“三结合”现场设计,走与工农兵相结合的道路。