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徐建平,全军优秀共产党员、空军航空兵某师装备部原副部长。他所在的部队担负多种飞行任务,使命极为重大。在28年的机务生涯中,他用生命守护使命,曾经创造了11次立功的业绩;曾经带队完成年均6000多小时的飞行保障任务;曾经检查排除各类故障隐患累计千余起,为确保飞行安全筑起了一道坚不可摧的屏障。2010年10月30日至12月26日,他带队赴国外进行新机改装,期间突感腹部剧烈疼痛,但依然坚持圆满完成了任务。回国后被确诊为肝癌晚期,时过两月即因公牺牲。 Xu Jianping, an outstanding communist member of the PLA and former deputy minister of the division of some division of the Air Force Aviation. His mission is a multi-mission, mission of utmost importance. During his 28-year career in aircraft maintenance, he used the mission of life guardian to create the achievements of 11 meritorious deeds. He led an aviation security mission of more than 6,000 hours a year. He once inspected and eliminated more than 1,000 hidden dangers of various types of accidents Ensuring flight safety creates an unbreakable barrier. From October 30 to December 26, 2010, he led a team to go abroad for a new machine modification, during which he suddenly felt the severe pain in the abdomen but still insisted on successfully completing his task. After returning to be diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, when two months due to public sacrifices.
目的:大量研究表明,慢性间歇性低压低氧(chronic intermittenthypobaric hypoxia,CIHH)处理具有明显的心脏保护作用,可显著减轻缺血/再灌注对心脏舒缩功能的抑制,减少缺血/再