
来源 :浙江现代教育技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lokenhvj
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液晶投影机(以下简称投影机)属于一种高集成度的贵重设备,我们在享受它带来的视觉、听觉快乐的同时,有必要掌握一些使用和维护常识。一、使用前的准备工作 1.和投影机相连接的信号源设备(如计算机)大部分采用开关电源供电,所以在各设备中的零线之间极有可能存在较高的电位差。在连接设备时,要尽可能保持各设备同时共用相同地线,并且严格禁止热插拔各种输入信号线,以防产生打火现象,损坏设备。 2.依据投影机的物理指标(如亮度、变焦范 LCD projector (hereinafter referred to as the projector) is a highly integrated and expensive equipment, we enjoy the visual, hearing it happy at the same time, it is necessary to master some use and maintenance of common sense. First, the preparation before use 1 and the projector connected to the signal source equipment (such as computers) most of the switching power supply, so in the zero line between the equipment is likely to have a higher potential difference. When connecting the equipment, it is necessary to keep the equipment sharing the same ground at the same time, and it is strictly forbidden to hot-plug various input signal lines in order to prevent ignition and equipment damage. 2. According to the projector’s physical indicators (such as brightness, zoom range
An ABA insensitive mutant,Beyma,was isolated in Lotus japonicus MG-20 from an EMS mutagenesis pop-ulation using root growth inhibition to applied ABA as the scr
本文对基带信号单边带调制解调方法和 FSK信号的调制解调方法进行了研究,提出一种新的单边带信号解调法——逆维弗法,以及一种新的自适应误差解调方法(AEDEM),逆维弗法无需从
Insertion mutations that disrupt the function of PHT4;6 (At5g44370) cause NaCI hypersensitivity of Arabidop-sis seedlings that is characterized by reduced growt