A New Optimal Hatch Filter to Minimize the Effects of Ionosphere Gradients for GBAS

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yingzi1100
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At present,the main problem faced by ground-based augment system (GBAS) is that though carrier smoothing filter and local dif-ferential global positioning system (LDGPS) improve the accuracy of the pseudorange by reducing the noise in it and eliminating almost all the common errors between the user and the reference station,they also cause extra errors on account of the effects of the ionosphere temporal and spatial gradients.Based on the analysis of these errors as well as the smoothing noise,this article suggests a new algorithm to design the optimal Hatch filter,whose smoothing window width varies real-time with the satellite elevation,ionosphere variation,and distance from the user to the reference station.By conducting the positioning process in the GBAS emulation platform for several hours and after its comparison with the performances of traditional Hatch filters,it is found that the errors in the differential correction become smaller and the positioning accuracy gets heightened with this new method. At present, the major problem faced by ground-based augment system (GBAS) is that though carrier smoothing filter and local dif-ferential global positioning system (LDGPS) improve the accuracy of the pseudorange by reducing the noise in it and eliminating almost all the common errors between the user and the reference station, they also cause extra errors on account of the effects of the ionosphere temporal and spatial gradients. Based on the analysis of these errors as well as the smoothing noise, this article suggests a new algorithm to design the optimal Hatch filter, whose smoothing window width varies real-time with the satellite elevation, ionosphere variation, and distance from the user to the reference station.By conducting the positioning process in the GBAS emulation platform for several hours and after its comparison with the performances of traditional Hatch filters, it is found that the errors in the differential correction become smaller and the positioning accuracy gets heightene d with this new method.
[摘要]自我意识对人们的心理活动和行为方式都起着制约作用,积极的自我意识会增进身心健康,而消极的自我意识会诱发心理疾病。大学生在自我认知上存在自我观察不全面、自我分析不科学及自我评价不恰当等问题,因此,大学生只有培养健康的自我意识,才能促进自身心理的发展和成熟。本文详细介绍了自我探索的团体辅导方案,对大学生充分认识自我有很好的帮助。  [关键词]大学生 自我探索 团体辅导  [中图分类号]B844
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