,Syk is low-expressed in non-small-cell lung cancer and inversely correlates with patient's sur

来源 :生物化学与生物物理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zglcharmer134
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The protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) are a group of enzyme proteins that can phosphorylate substrate protein tyrosine residues,and are involved in many signal transduction pathways.They also play an important role in the control of cell differentiation,proliferation,and spreading.A recent study has found that Syk,as a tumor suppressor of PTKs,is closely related to tumor invasion and metastasis [1].Syk has been also showed to have potential inhibitory effect in breast,gastric,and pancreatic cancers [2-4].Sung et al.[5]found that in the mouse mammary gland,loss of one Syk allele profoundly increased proliferation,ductal branching,and invasion of epithelial cells through the mammary fat pad during puberty,and that mammary carcinoma developed after 1 year.An increasing number of clinical studies have revealed a correlation between reduced Syk expression and increased risk of metastasis formation,and Syk is assigned as a potential new prognostic marker in different tumor types [6].In this study,we examined the expression of Syk in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and analyzed its association with the prognosis.
对急性Crohn病误诊为阑尾炎1例分析如下.rn1 病历摘要rn男,38岁.持续性脐周及右下腹痛,畏寒,发热,呕吐,腹泻3 d入院.5 a前有类似腹痛病史.检查:T 38.1 ℃.腹略胀,脐周及右下
We are developing an optical layer-2s witch network that uses both wavelength-division multiplexing and time-division multiplexing technologies for efficient tr
拔毒效果立竿见影  王氏药罐标本兼治赢得专家青睐  万病根源在于瘀,人之所以疼痛部位不同,患的疾病不同,就是因为不同的地方被瘀血堵塞。把这些瘀血疏通,供血正常,人体各器官恢复正常功能,疼痛便会自然消失,人自然变得健康。流传于河北乡村的“王氏药罐”排瘀疗法,正是源于上述的理论基础,千百年来成为秘而不传的民间养生绝技。  “王氏药罐”操作简单,疗效显著。使用泻络疗法治疗时,先将竹罐放入药锅内煮沸,然后
对慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎并甲状腺癌误诊1例分析如下。1病历摘要女,17岁,未婚。因颈部增粗伴疼痛4 d入院,4 d前患者发现颈部增粗,伴颈前区不适,为隐痛,无放射痛。无发热,心