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用一句话来概括,高考志愿就是地域、院校、专业的有机组合。本文借助数学中的坐标系,以地域为X轴,以院校为Y轴,以专业为Z轴,通过真实的案例来向广大考生和家长介绍如何填报志愿,希望能够对大家有所帮助。X轴地域:“天南海北”非王道如果试着回忆一下心目中的好大学,笔者相信大部分读者脑海中浮现出的学校都处于好城市之中,比如最负盛名的“清北复交”就分别处于北京和上海。虽然说人应该往高处走,但这不代表我们都应该往大城市涌 Summarized in one sentence, college entrance examination volunteer is the geographical, institutional, professional organic combination. This article uses the coordinate system in mathematics, taking the region as the X axis, the institution as the Y axis, and the profession as the Z axis. Through the real cases, it introduces the candidates and their parents how to fill in the volunteers and hopes to be helpful to everyone. X-axis area: If you try to recall the good university in my heart, I believe most of the readers in the minds of schools are in good cities, such as the most prestigious North Fupiao ", respectively, in Beijing and Shanghai. Although people should walk to the heights, this does not mean that we should all go to the big cities
Dinucleotide (TpAZT) phosphoramidates were synthesized by Todd reaction of dinucleoside H-phosphonates and amino acid methyl esters, and their diastereomers (Rp
例1 成××女24岁住院号20494眼球突出、流泪20天。1984年11月13日入院。一年前自觉无力、心悸、多汗、多食、性急、手颤,于某院诊断为“甲亢”,口服甲亢平,他巴唑后甲状腺
N- (2,4-Dinitrophenyl)-4-amino-n-butyl aldehyde 3 was obtained with high yield of 80% when N- (2,4-dinitrophenyl)-L-proline 1 reacted with SOCl2 at room tempera
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家庭轿车,不用厂商、传媒热辣辣的煽动,那都是很多人梦寐以求的宠物。但是,面对现实,车迷们只能对家庭轿车唱一出“想说爱你不容易。” 百姓的梦并不奢侈 国际经验表明:当人
A kind of novel ceria electrolyte was examined.Various trivalent oxides were added as co-dopants to Ce 0.8Gd 0.2O 1.9,and their effects on the conducti
俞敏洪,新东方创始人,千万年轻人的梦想导师。 从三次高考失败,到意外考上北大,毕业后留校任教,而后从北大离职,白手起家创办新东方,俞敏洪的人生奋斗历程充满了励志色彩。  也许俞敏洪所经历的人生挫折与磨难,正是你现在正在经历的迷茫与挣扎。也许俞敏洪一路奋斗的足迹和50多年的心路历程,能给你一些启发和勇气,希望你能从中汲取力量,朝着自己的梦想勇敢前行,不负青春。  匆匆一年,不知不觉又到了年尾。回首算