降低招生中考试比重 增加考试中能力比重——高考向何处去之我见

来源 :湖北招生考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quiet11
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应试教育正在摧残着中华民族的自主创新能力,必须下决心通过高考改革来改变应试教育的局面。缺乏动力和优化机制的现行体制是造成高考改革迟滞不前的主要因素。高考改革的出路是:在招生中,降低考试所占比重;在考试中,增加能力考查所占比重。基于此, 现提出了一个授予高中教师发言权的操作方案。为了争取21世纪中国的发展机会,需要付出一定的代价,并呼吁教育主管领导,通过更积极地推动教育改革而为中国的发展作出更大贡献。 Exam-oriented education is devastating the independent innovation ability of the Chinese nation and must be determined to change the situation of exam-oriented education through college entrance examination reform. The current system of lack of motivation and optimization mechanism is the main factor causing the stagnation of the college entrance examination reform. The way out for the college entrance examination reform is to reduce the proportion of examinations in the enrollment and increase the proportion of examinations. Based on this, we now propose an operation plan that gives high school teachers the right to speak. In order to strive for the development opportunities of China in the 21st century, we must pay a certain price, and we call on education leaders to make greater contributions to China’s development by more actively promoting education reform.
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