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服务贸易日益成为各国经济新一轮增长的重点。建立并健全一套符合国际经济形势演化与国内经济形势发展的服务贸易法律制度与管理体系,是我国建设服务业强国的制度基础与保障。为此,从比较法的角度,考察服务业强国(地区),如日、美、欧,以及与我国服务业发展具有较多可比因素的邻国印度,能够对我国服务贸易法律制度与管理体系的建设与完善起到一定的借鉴作用。从日、美、欧、印的经验来看,各国在服务贸易的管理体制、法律制度、政策体系以及针对服务业管制与开放的具体措施上存在着一定的共识,但是,由于各国的政治考量、政治结构以及经济地位不同,也对服务业的发展采取了各具特色的制度安排。综合比较,我国为建立和完善服务贸易法律制度与管理体系,必须制定服务贸易发展的国家战略,采取各种实务战术:如选择区别部门的开放方式,积极参与多哈回合谈判,扩大服务贸易法律制度的调整范围,积极推进区域贸易安排等。 Service trade has increasingly become the focus of a new round of economic growth in all countries. Establishing and perfecting a set of legal and service systems for service trade in line with the evolution of the international economic situation and the development of the domestic economy is the institutional foundation and guarantee for building a powerful nation in the service industry. To this end, from a comparative law point of view, inspecting the powerful countries (regions) in service industries, such as Japan, the United States, Europe, and neighboring countries that have more comparable factors with the development of China’s service industry, can provide a clear understanding of the legal system and management system of China’s trade in services The construction and improvement play a certain reference role. From the experience of Japan, the United States, Europe and India, all countries have some consensus on the management system, legal system and policy system of service trade as well as the specific measures aimed at controlling and opening up the service trade. However, due to the political considerations of various countries Political structure and economic status, but also adopted different institutional arrangements for the development of the service industry. In order to establish and perfect the legal system and management system of trade in services, our country must formulate a national strategy for the development of trade in services and adopt various practical tactics. For example, if we choose to distinguish the openness of departments, actively participate in the Doha Round negotiations and expand the legal system of trade in services The adjustment range, and actively promote regional trade arrangements.
目的 :为了提高对老年疾病的防治效果,为临床提供客观依据.方法 :对2012年12月-2013年5月来我院老年急诊科就诊的120例患者的临床资料进行统计分析.结果 :在老年患者急诊中,
摘要:引导学生高效率学习是每位教师当前应该深入研究的课题,只有寻找到了引导学生高效率学习的途径和方法,这样我们的教师才会轻松教学,我们的学生才会真正减轻学习负担。  关键词:初中语文;引导学生;高效率学习  语文要寻找引导学生高效率学习的途径,就要从良好的学习习惯是高效率学习的肥沃土壤;强化学生的学习动机,提高学习效率的一种很好的选择两个方面进行阐述,从而逐步引导学生实现高效率学习。下面我就结合自
摘 要:提高音乐欣赏课教学的效果,提高学生对欣赏课的兴趣,不是短时间所能达到的,也不是单方面能够达到的,而是需要我们音乐教师狠抓教学方法,以多种形式,最大限度的活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,从而达到音乐欣赏课教学的目的。  关键词:音乐;欣赏课;兴趣  音乐教学少不了音乐欣赏,它是学校音乐教育的重要组成部分。但现实是在很多老师和学生的眼里,认为欣赏课是多余的,根本学不到什么知识,其实,这种观点
目的 :通过研究临床上多层螺旋cT在诊断小儿支气管异物方面的疗效探讨其在临床上的治疗价值.方法 :回顾性分析50例确诊为儿童支气管异物的患者.所有患者均行64层螺旋cT检查,