怀化机务段地处湖南西部山区,现有职工1866人,担负着湘黔线娄底至玉屏客运牵引,低庄至玉屏货运牵引任务,承担本段蒸汽架、洗修,内燃定检和娄底机务段架修和外委任务。 70年代,国家决定修建湘黔铁路,由于当时的历史原因,工期短、上马快,从厂房施工到检修投产,只用了两年时间。因此只注意了速度,忽视了劳动卫生的配套建设,有害作业点全部超过国家规定的标准。自1979年以来,我们认真贯彻国务院关于加强厂矿企业防尘防毒工作文件精神,加强了对
Huaihua locomotive depot is located in the western Hunan mountains, the existing staff of 1866 people, responsible for the Xiangjiang line from Loudi to Yuping passenger traction, low Zhuang to Yuping freight towing mission, to undertake this section steam rack, washing repair, internal combustion inspection and Loudi locomotive depot Overhaul and outside appointments. In the 1970s, the state decided to build the Hunan-Guizhou Railway. Due to the historical reasons at the time, the construction period was short and the construction started rapidly. It took only two years from construction to maintenance. Therefore, only pay attention to the speed, neglect the supporting construction of labor and health, all hazardous jobs beyond the national standard. Since 1979, we have conscientiously implemented the spirit of the State Council’s document on strengthening anti-dust and anti-virus work for factories and mines,