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中国少数民族音乐学会是群众性的学术团体。建立于1986年7月。它的宗旨是团结全国从事少数民族音乐工作的专家、学者,加强少数民族音乐的搜集、整理、创作和研究,采用多种形式交流学术成果,向国内外宣传少数民族音乐,促进民族音乐的繁荣和发展。组织少数民族音乐学术讨论会,加强各地音乐工作者的相互了解和联系,是学会的主要工作。1988年12月25日至12月1日在人民音乐家聂耳的故乡——云南省玉溪市举行的中国少数民族音乐学会第三届年会,是学会建立后主持的第一次学术讨论会。来自全国18个省、市、自治区17个民族的专家、学者近百人参加会议。本届年会是文化部民族工作委员会、国家民委文化司、中国音乐家协会民族音乐委员会、中国少数民族音乐学会、云南省文化厅、云南省民委、中国音协云南分会、玉溪市政府等8个单位联合举办的。中国音协名誉主席吕骥等有关领导同志出席了会议。这次学术讨论会的主题是:“中国少数民族音乐的现状和未来”;副题是:“云南少数民族音乐专题研究”和“少数民族音乐志的编写体例和方法”。会议收到学术论文70余篇,内容丰富、涉及面广,现选其中部分论文提要在此发表,希望广大读者更多的关注、支持少数民族音乐专栏。深信民族艺苑必将出现百花竞放的春天。 China Minority Music Society is a mass academic group. Founded in July 1986. Its purpose is to unite with the experts and scholars engaged in ethnic music in the whole country, strengthen the collection, collation, creation and study of minority music, exchange academic achievements in various forms, promote minority music at home and abroad, and promote the prosperity of national music And development. Organization of minority music seminars to enhance mutual understanding and contacts among music workers around is the main task of the Institute. December 25, 1988 to December 1 in the hometown of Nie Er, the people’s musicians - Yuxi, Yunnan Province held the third annual meeting of the Chinese Society of Minority Music, is the first seminar after the establishment of the Institute to establish . Nearly 100 experts and scholars from 17 ethnic groups in 18 provinces, cities and autonomous regions nationwide attended the conference. The annual meeting is the Ministry of Culture National Work Committee, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Chinese Musicians Association, the National Music Committee, China Minority Music Society, Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture, Yunnan Provincial Committee, Yunnan Branch of China Association of Music, Yuxi City Government 8 units jointly organized. Lv Ji, honorary chairman of China Music Association and other relevant leaders and leaders attended the meeting. The theme of this symposium is: “The Present Situation and Future of Chinese Minority Music”; Subtitle is: “Yunnan Minority Music Project” and “The Writing Style and Method of Minority Music Records”. The conference received more than 70 academic papers, which are rich in content and broad in scope. Some of the selected papers are published here, hoping that readers will pay more attention to it and support the minority music columns. Convinced that the National Arts Court will be the spring of flowers race.
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