
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fdsadadsa
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火棘盆景老干婆娑,碧叶四季含翠,初春繁花如雪,有着“梨花一枝春带雨”的素雅和妙趣,晚秋朱果错缀如萦烟笑日,烂似朱霞,飘若红云,吸露餐风,尽态极妍,故倍受广大盆景爱好者的钟爱,短短几年,火棘盆景便迅速地发展于大江南北。随着火棘盆景的迅速发展,一些地区已经开始出现并流行火棘畸叶病毒病,且有蔓延之势。由于火棘畸叶病毒病四时均可传染,而此病的防治又无特别有效的药剂,因此给很多地方造成了严重的损失。笔者养火棘盆景多年,在实践中针对火棘畸叶病毒病的防治,作了积极的探索,并取得较满意的效果。一、发病症状火棘畸叶病毒病主要危害火棘的叶片。由于此病传染、蔓延迅速,且又四季均可传播,故对火棘盆景的危害,十分严重。感染畸叶病毒病的火棘,初期是盆景植株的某个局部呈现病态,尤以叶尖嫩芽处表现最为明显。主要特征为:初为一部分叶片扭曲、起皱、反卷,边缘有焦灼状,叶色泽枯黄;随着感染面积的扩大,嫩枝扭曲,叶片大量萎缩、焦枯,丧失合成养分的功能,整 Pyracantha bonsai Laogan Po, Biye season with Tsui, early spring flowers such as snow, with “pear a spring with rain,” the elegance and fun, late autumn Zhu Guo mistakes such as smoke and smiles, like rotten Zhu Xia, floating If the red clouds, suck the meal wind, make it very Yan, so much the majority of bonsai lovers love, just a few years, Pyracantha bonsai will rapidly develop in the north and south. With the rapid development of pyracantha bonsai, some areas have begun to emerge and prevalence pyracantha virus, and the trend of the spread. Since Pyracantha tenoforrhynchus virus disease is contagious at four o’clock and the disease prevention and treatment is not particularly effective, it has caused serious losses in many places. The author holds pyracantha bonsai for many years, in practice for the prevention and treatment of Pyracantharidae virus disease, made a positive exploration, and achieved more satisfactory results. First, the incidence of symptoms Pyracantha Francovirus is the main hazard of flamingo leaves. As the disease infection, spread rapidly, and four seasons can be spread, so the harm caused by Pyracantha Bonsai is very serious. Pyracantha fortuneae infection of the disease, the initial stage is bonsai plants showed a part of pathological, especially in the tip of the tip of the most obvious performance. The main features are: the first part of the leaves twisting, wrinkling, anti-roll, the edge of the scorched, leaf color brown; with the expansion of the infected area, twigs twisting, leaf atrophy, coke, loss of function of synthetic nutrients, whole
1 选地选择地块时要注意隔离,制种田与其它种植菠菜的地块要距离500m以上。 2 播种 8月下旬当日平均温度达17~19℃时为播种适期。播量3.5kg/667m~2,播前整平畦子,然后开沟条
1 病例简介:rn患者女性,36岁,因“恶心呕吐伴发热3天,加重半天.”于2019-04-06入院.患者3天前出现恶心呕吐,每日约数次,为胃内容物,伴发热,最高温度达37.5℃,伴鼻塞流涕,曾至
以某型直升机双腔摇臂式尾起落架为例,基于软件Motion和AMESim联合仿真带内节流阀的起落架缓冲器缓冲性能。首先,利用LMS Virtual Lab Motion建立了起落架多体动力学分析模型