患者,男,25岁,未婚,汉族,工人。于1980年10月27日发热、腹痛、腹泻解脓血便,诊断急性细菌性痢疾住本院传染科。用 SM_2及 TMP 等药物治疗五天,痊愈出院。11月15日出现尿频尿急、排尿痛、腰酸、畏寒不发热。次日出现羞明流泪、右眼发红疼痛。11月17日住我院二内科。化验尿白细胞(+),红细胞4—5/cp,余无异常。诊断尿路感染,右眼结膜炎。给以呋喃咀啶、庆大霉素、青霉素治疗。右眼用0.25%氯霉素及四环素眼膏点眼。11月18日觉左膝关节胀痛、红肿、发热;11月22日右肘
Patient, male, 25 years old, single, Han nationality, worker. On October 27, 1980 fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, abscess bloody stool, diagnosis of acute bacterial diarrhea in our hospital infectious diseases. With SM_2 and TMP and other drugs for five days, discharged. November 15 urinary frequency urgency, urination pain, backache, chills is not fever. Shame tomorrow show tears, red eyes pain pain. November 17 to live in our hospital two internal medicine. Laboratory urine leukocytes (+), red blood cells 4-5 / cp, I no exception. Urinary tract infection diagnosis, right conjunctivitis. Give furazolidone, gentamicin, penicillin treatment. Right eyes with 0.25% chloramphenicol and tetracycline eye ointment. November 18 left knee pain, swelling, fever; right elbow November 22