
来源 :冰川冻土 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junhao1987
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霍拉盆地位于我国高纬度大片连续多年冻土区的北缘.盆地内的冻土具有自中心向边缘厚度变薄、温度升高,至四周山地出现融区等特征,同时又受局地因素如地形地貌、地表覆被、地下水赋存规律及地质构造等影响,冻土分布、厚度及温度的空间格局在遵从普遍规律的基础上又具有差异性.近年来,随着全球气候变暖及人为活动的逐步增强,盆地内冻土及寒区环境变化显著,对矿区转型至关重要的核心景观月牙湖几近干涸.2013年6月、2014年5-7月先后2次对霍拉盆地多年冻土及寒区环境变化进行科学考察并展开初步研究.在盆地内根据不同地貌、地表覆被及人为活动强度布设8个地温观测孔并将进行长期观测,以期分析研究人为活动、植被等局地因子对冻土的影响及未来冻土与寒区环境变化;同时,对干涸的月牙湖底地形、地貌进行了调查并采集湖相沉积物样品,以确定月牙湖的成因并进一步分析湖区气候及环境变迁;对月牙湖畔湖心岛地下冰再次进行勘察,发现厚层地下冰正在逐渐融化;此外,盆地内广泛发育的热喀斯特现象亦表明该区域冻土正在退化. Hola Basin is located in the northern margin of the continuous high permafrost region in China with high latitudes.The permafrost in the basin has the characteristics of thinning from the center to the edge and the temperature rising to the melting zone around the mountainous area, Such as topography, land cover, groundwater occurrence law and geological structure, the spatial pattern of permafrost distribution, thickness and temperature have differences on the basis of universal law.In recent years, with the global warming and Man-made activities gradually increased, the basin of frozen soil and cold areas significant environmental changes, the transformation of the mining area is crucial to the core landscape of the crescent Lake almost dried up .In June 2013, May-July 2014 has 2 times on the Hula basin Permafrost and cold areas to conduct a scientific investigation and preliminary study.According to different geomorphological, surface cover and artificial activity intensity distribution of the eight geothermal observation holes in the basin and long-term observation, in order to analyze the human activities, vegetation, etc. Local factors on the frozen soil and future frozen soil and cold area environmental changes; the same time, the dry crescent-shaped topography of the lake were investigated and lacustrine sediment samples collected to determine The causes of the Crescent Lake and the further analysis of the lake area climate and environmental changes; crescent Lake Lake Island core ice again reconnaissance and found that thick underground ice is gradually melting; In addition, the widespread development of the basin in the thermal karst phenomenon also shows that the region permafrost Degradation.
<正> 青藏高原腹部地带的通天河盆地,具有高海拔、低气压、气候严寒多变、冻结期长等特点,理应是多年冻土发育之地区。但事实并非如此,而是融区分布范围相当广泛,就多年冻土