
来源 :中国消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wmrik
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编辑同志:湖北襄阳一外来务工人员许某半夜睡不着,假报火警寻乐,被襄阳高新警方行政拘留5天,罚款200元。去年12月20日23时20分,襄阳市消防支队接到一男子报警称:樊城区樊魏路九阳物流园仓库起火。接警后,消防部门迅速调集两个消防中队9辆消防车和60余名消防官兵前往现场处置。5分钟后,消防官兵到达现场,经侦察发现没有明火,询问仓库物流园值班人员,值班人员均表示没有发生火灾。消防官兵拨打报警人电话,对方已关机。为了慎重起见,消防官兵和民警对仓库附近200米范围内进行了巡查,确认未发生火灾后才各自返回。针对谎报火警这一情况,消防部门及时向市公安局进行了通报。 Editorial comrades: a migrant workers in Xiangyang, Hubei Xu some midnight sleep, false alarm fire music, was Xiangyang high-tech police administrative detention for 5 days, a fine of 200 yuan. At 23:20 on December 20 last year, Xiangyang Fire Brigade received a man said the police said: Fan City, Fan Yang Road, Nine Yang Logistics Park warehouse fire. After the alarm, the fire department quickly mobilized two fire squadrons 9 fire engines and more than 60 fire officers and men went to the scene disposal. Five minutes later, fire officers and soldiers arrived at the scene. After the reconnaissance found no open fire, they asked about the staff on duty in the warehouse logistics park and the duty officers said no fire occurred. Fire officers and men called the police call, the other has been shut down. In order to be cautious, fire officers and civilian police carried out inspections within 200 meters of the warehouse and confirmed that they had not returned before returning to their homes. For the case of false fire alarm, the fire department promptly conducted a briefing to the Municipal Public Security Bureau.
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搞好人武部的正规化建设,是树立人武部军事机关良好形象,提高工作效率,促进人武部全面建设的一项重要工作。 当前,不少单位抓正规化建设取得了令人瞩目的成绩,他们建立健全
松花江、黑龙江、乌苏里江汇集着三江平原这块北疆的沃土,它也是中、俄、日、蒙、朝五国六方的结合部,直接与俄罗斯交界580公里。 当改革的大潮激荡着这片古老的土地时,沉睡
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