
来源 :农药工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangmingmind
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棉花、果树、茶叶等是我国主要的经济作物。螨类是这些作物的大敌,由于螨类繁殖迅速,蔓延极快,使大片作物叶子枯萎、脱落,造成严重减产。多年来广大贫下中农认真贯彻“八字宪法”同病虫害作斗争,夺得很大的丰收。但是,目前常用的杀螨剂,如乐果、对硫磷、内吸磷、三氯杀螨砜都已经程度不同的产生了 Cotton, fruit trees and tea are the main cash crops in our country. Mites are the enemy of these crops, due to the rapid propagation of mites, the rapid spread, so that large crop leaves withered, fall off, resulting in serious cuts. Over the years, the majority of poor and middle-income peasants have earnestly implemented the “Eight Character Constitution” to fight pests and diseases and won a great harvest. However, the currently used acaricides, such as dimethoate, parathion, internal phosphorus, and cocaine have been produced to varying degrees
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随着社会的发展 ,医学模式的转变 ,医院护理管理的模式也必须向前发展。作者就发展趋势提出几点建议 :首先 ,管理模式个性化 ,走人无我有、人有我优的特色化之路。其次在管理
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褐黄球须刺蛾(Scopelodes testacea Butler)俗称辣蛆或八角蛆,在容县境内及邻近的藤县、平南县等均有发生,是为害芭蕉的重要害虫之一。在容县每年发生两代,对芭蕉为害一般第
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