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基于井采扰动黄土基底排土场边坡地表位移长期监测数据,分析总结边坡变形影响因素,将各影响因素对边坡变形的影响分别量化。将黄土基底蠕变、井采扰动和降雨3个主要影响因素引起的位移从总位移中分解出来,利用分解之后的结果建立了边坡变形统计模型,并将该模型应用于阴湾排土场边坡地表位移监测分析。通过对典型测点监测数据的分析,确定了各影响因素对边坡变形的贡献及其作用的基本特点。结果表明,该模型能够较好地描述边坡的变形破坏,理论分析结果与现场实际吻合,具有工程应用价值。 Based on the long-term monitoring data of ground surface displacement of the loess foundation dump in well stimulation, the influencing factors of slope deformation are analyzed and summarized, and the influence of each influencing factor on slope deformation is quantified respectively. The displacements caused by the three major influencing factors of basement creep, well disturbance and rainfall are decomposed from the total displacement. Based on the results after the decomposition, a statistical model of slope deformation is established, and the model is applied to the Yinwan Dump Slope surface displacement monitoring and analysis. Through the analysis of monitoring data of typical measuring points, the contribution of each influencing factor to the deformation of the slope and the basic characteristics of its effect are confirmed. The results show that the model can well describe the deformation and failure of slope, and the theoretical analysis results are in good agreement with the actual situation of the site, which has the value of engineering application.
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CB型油泵的轴套属于易损零件,该泵的后轴套若无专用工具就无法拆卸,致使许多油泵不能修复而造成浪费。为此,介绍一种专用拆卸工具的设计和使用。 CB-type pump sleeve is a
没有什么比涂装漂亮的模型更能吸引人的眼球了。但是近观了模型之后他们的反应是什么?如果你参加过模型比赛,那么你肯定知道,好的模型结构套件才可能有机会获奖。 Nothing i