Villagers, wild pandas live side by side in harmony 村民与野生大熊猫和睦相处

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  Wild giant pandas are not a rare sight at Liziba village. The village is located in northwest China’s Gansu Province, and borders southwest China’s Sichuan Province, which is known to the world as “the home to pandas”.
  Liziba village is also at the south end of the Baishuijiang National Nature Reserve, which was set up to protect wild pandas. In 2017, China launched the pilot giant panda national park, and Baishuijiang was listed to be included in the scheme.
  The Gansu Economic Daily reported that there are three panda nature reserves directly administered by the central government, and Baishuijiang reserve is one of them. The other two are at Wolong in Sichuan Province and Foping in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province. According to the fourth national panda survey published in February 2015, Baishuijiang is home to 110 wild giant pandas, the most among all the nature reserves in China.
  In past decades, pandas were rarely spotted in Liziba village, a situation that only changed in recent years. On March 1, 2014, an adult panda wandered downhill through the bamboo woods and entered the village. Seeing humans around, the panicking panda ran away after biting a villager’s leg.
  An investigation from 2009 to 2017 found that panda activity around the village had seen an obvious increase. Liu Wannian, vice chief of the administration bureau of Baishuijiang reserve, believes that the result proves the effectiveness of the panda protection work in previous years.
  Today, green plants cover the hills in Liziba village, and villagers see pandas as neighbors rather than competitors for resources. Rows of tea trees line the hills at the village, and more than 700 villagers now make a living from this crop. “This year it’s 600 yuan ($84) per half kilogram,” Liziba villager Ran Tangfa said, according to news website in a late-August report. Going further behind the tea farm takes you to a primeval forest where pandas live. Liziba village is totally different now than at the beginning of the century.
  1. What do we know from the fifth paragraph?
  A. The panda protection work in previous years is effective.
  B. Pandas are rarely seen in Liziba village in recent years.
  C. Pandas are sometimes dangerous to humans.
  D. Pandas are afraid of seeing humans.
  2. What do the villagers depend on for a living?
  A. Protection of animals. B. Natural resources.
  C. Bamboo woods. D. Tea trees.
  The village is located in northwest China’s Gansu Province, and borders southwest China’s Sichuan Province, which is known to the world as “the home to pandas”. 这个村子位于中国西北部的甘肃省,与中国西南部被世界称为“熊猫之家”的四川省接壤。
  本句是一个复合句。The village is located...and borders... Province是主句,其中is located和borders是并列谓语,which引导的是非限制性定语从句。
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