据《经济参考报》报道,养蟹由于比较效益高,近几年各地逐渐兴起养蟹热。但一些水产专家提醒说:螃蟹需求量有限,养殖螃蟹谨防过热。 湖北省水产局有关负责人说,螃蟹具有较高的营养价值。它含有的微量元素核黄素和热量在水产品中最高,雌黄雄膏味鲜可口。由于蟹苗价格高,成蟹价居高难下,内地多是高档宾
According to “Economic Information Daily” reported that due to the relatively high cost of crabs, crabs have been gradually raised around the country in recent years. However, some aquatic experts warned: crabs are limited in demand, breeding crabs to guard against overheating. Hubei Provincial Fisheries Bureau official said that crabs have high nutritional value. It contains trace elements of riboflavin and calories the highest in aquatic products, feminine ointment delicious. Due to the high price of crabs, crab prices remain high, the Mainland is mostly high-end guests