Effects of extrusion deformation on mechanical properties of sub-micron Si_3N_(4p)/2024 composite

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gugugou
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Si3N4p/2024Al composite was fabricated by squeeze casting method and treated by extrusion deformation.Microstructure analyses indicate that Si3N4 particles in the composite are in cylindrical polyhedron shape.Extrusion deformation is beneficial to uniform distribution of Si3N4 particles and improves the relative density of Si3N4p/2024Al composite.Tensile strength of Si3N4p/2024Al composite increases by 76.6%after T6 treatment,and after extrusion and T6 treatment it is by 57.6%more than T6 treatment only.Elastic modulus of Si3N4p/2024Al composite increases a little after T6 treatment but increases by 33.5%after extrusion deformation. Si3N4p / 2024Al composite was fabricated by squeeze casting method and treated by extrusion deformation. Microstructure analysis of that Si3N4 particles in the composite are in cylindrical polyhedron shape. Extrusion deformation is beneficial to uniform distribution of Si3N4 particles and improves the relative density of Si3N4p / 2024Al composite.Tensile strength of Si3N4p / 2024Al composite increases by 76.6% after T6 treatment, and after extrusion and T6 treatment it is by 57.6% more than T6 treatment only. Elastic modulus of Si3N4p / 2024Al composite increases a little after T6 treatment but increases by 33.5% after extrusion deformation.
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