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上海市副市长蒋以任同志在近期上海举行的’97中国企业跨国经营研讨会上介绍了未来三年上海经济发展的宏观战略思考。 蒋以任说,上海最近几年发生的变化是巨大的,这与党中央、国务院的领导和全国的支持是分不开的。上海应当牢牢地抓住本世纪最后三年时间,以十五大报告精神为指南向全国人民交出两份令人满意的答卷:一、建立与完善社会主义市场经济体制;二、继续保持国民经济的良性、快速发展。他指出,经过近5年的发展,上海进一步发展是有基础的,这种基础可以具体地描述为:过去几年GDP13~14%年增长率,人均GDP已达3000美元左 Shanghai Mayor Jiang Yiren introduced the macroeconomic thinking of Shanghai’s economic development in the next three years during the ’97 Symposium on Transnational Management of Chinese Enterprises held in Shanghai recently. Jiang said that the changes that have taken place in Shanghai in recent years are enormous and are inseparable from the leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the support of the whole country. Shanghai should firmly grasp the last three years of this century and hand out two satisfactory answers to the people throughout the country based on the spirit of the 15th National Congress of the CPC. First, to establish and perfect the socialist market economic system. Second, continue to maintain The benign and rapid development of the national economy. He pointed out that after nearly five years of development, there is a foundation for further development in Shanghai. This foundation can be described as follows: In the past few years, the annual growth rate of GDP was 13-14% and the per capita GDP reached 3,000 U.S. dollars
试验表明 :35 %一锄WP对移栽油菜田杂草具有较好的防效 ,70g/6 6 7m2 对禾本科草和阔叶草的株防效 ,药后 15~ 5 3天分别高达 97.2 2 %~ 10 0 %和 84 .4 1%~ 88.2 4 % ,显著高于
长江是华夏民族历史进步的象征,三峡是长江巨龙腾飞的热土,渝东门户——巫山则是镶嵌在长江三峡库区腹心的璀璨明珠。 巫山历史悠久,人杰地灵,钟灵毓秀。204万年前的龙骨坡
(一) 钢材在焊接过程中由于种种原因会产生各种焊接缺陷,其中最危险的缺陷要算焊接裂缝,它往往是造成焊接结构破坏的主要原因。因此,焊工在焊接施工中,要针对钢种、接头型式
本刊今年第1期至第4期刊载的电影文学剧本《血染石榴红》,由于工作上的疏忽以致漏登了6小节。现补登,接1994年第1期第56页。对此,除作自我批评以外,谨向作者和读者致歉。 —
20 0 1年 1 1月 2 6日 ,江阴检验检疫局检疫人员对来自日本的巴拿马籍进境修理远洋船舶“DSISHOWAMARU”实施检疫时 ,发现食品舱中有产自智利的大蒜约 5kg左右 ,取样后 ,室内分离发现大量活
前不久,中国扶贫基金会、《半月谈》杂志社主办的我国首批十大“扶贫状元”评选活动揭晓。山东省牟平县新牟里村党委书记常宗琳在排名榜中名列第二。 Not long ago, China
AIM: To construct the plasmid pcHEV23 containing fragments of HEV ORF2 and ORF3 chimeric gene and to assess its ability to elicit specific immunologic response