彩墨绘春秋 丹青颂山河——记全国十大当红女画家石德红

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石德红的山水画气势磅礴,山石奇峻,云水奔腾,有着一种震撼人心之力。那豪放的笔调,常常会让人以为出自一个男人之手,而当走近了作者,才发现那是一位端庄文雅的从上海静安区石库门走出来的女画家。石德红当过知青,当过工人,后来拜师学画,三十多年来的勤奋努力,以她杰出的山水画艺术成果,2011年被《海上画坛》新闻传媒等单位评选为“全国十大当红女画家”。石德红志愿到社区学校任教,至今已有十年,培养了一大批书画爱好者和业余画家。石德红不论是当学生还是当画家还是当老师,她就是觉得开心。笔随时代,墨见精神,画由心来。无论在什么场合她都能够用饱满的热情和绚丽的墨彩,描绘自然的美景,表达生活的感悟,创造康乐的人生。 Shi Dehong landscapes magnificent, rocky mountains, clouds of water Pentium, has a stirring power. That bold tone, often make people think that the hands of a man, and approached the author, only to find that it is a dignified and elegant woman from Shanghai Shijing District, came out of Shikumen. Shi Dehong was educated youth, worked as a worker, and then apprentice painting, more than 30 years of hard work, with her outstanding landscape painting artistic achievements, 2011 was “sea painting” news media and other units as “the top ten popular Female painter ”. Shi Dehong volunteer to teach in community schools, has been for ten years, trained a large number of calligraphy and painting enthusiasts and amateur painters. Shi Dehong Whether she is a student or an artist or a teacher, she feels happy. With the times of the pen, ink, see the spirit, painting from the heart. No matter what occasion she is able to use full of passion and brilliant ink color, depicting the beauty of nature, to express the feelings of life and create a happy life.
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