Effect of core bar inserted into weld faying part to obtain an ideal pipe joint with non-generating

来源 :先进制造进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cyc198810
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In this study,the effect of core bar inserted into weld faying part to obtain an ideal pipe joint with nongenerating inner flash via friction welding is described.A steel pipe with inner and outer diameters corresponding to 8.0 mm and 13.5 mm was used,and the weld faying surface was machined to a groove shape of a flat (butt) type.The core bar of various materials was inserted in the weld faying part of the pipes,and those pipes were welded with a friction speed of 27.5 s-1 and friction pressure of 30 MPa.The core bars did not decrease inner flash when joints were fabricated with a core bar of some metallic materials with melting points below that of steel;thus,they were melted during the welding process.The joint with an alumina core bar did not decrease inner flash and was crushed by generating an inner flash.However,a commercially pure tungsten (CP-W) core bar was successfully achieved for decreasing the inner flash.Additionally,all joints with a CP-W core bar did not exhibit the tensile strength of the base metal and a fracture in the base metal,when they were fabricated during the same time,the friction torque reached the initial peak.The joint exhibited a fracture in the base metal when it was fabricated with a CP-W core bar and a taper groove shape that was proposed in the previous study.Furthermore,the core bars were easily removed from the joints;thus the joint with almost no inner flash was successfully obtained.To reduce the inner flash of pipe joints,they should be fabricated with a CP-W core bar inserted into the weld faying part with a taper groove shape.
【摘要】处于初中阶段的学生,正面临着心理和生理发展的特殊时期,处在理性认知和感性认知的关键发展期。班主任作为具体教学实施的组织者和领导者,在班级管理中起到主导作用,所以,班主任的管理教育也应更加注重人性化管理,柔性管理模式是班主任管理的模式之一。本文通过分析柔性管理的内容及特点,提出了初中班主任在柔性管理上的几点措施。  【关键词】初中;班主任工作;柔性管理  【中图分类号】G635.1 【文献标
【摘要】长期以来,许多学生、家长甚至老师一直认为班主任理所应当的是班级的主人,是班级这个小家的家长,甚至有人戏称班主任为学校的保姆,无论任何事情、任何决议都应该听班主任的决定,班级大大小小的事情都应该由班主任来管理。其实,在学校教育中,学生才是学习活动的主体,又是自我教育、自我管理的主体。  【关键词】班级管理;班主任;师生关系  【中图分类号】G715.1 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095
【摘要】交互式多媒体一体机集交互式电子白板、大屏幕显示、大屏幕电视机和功放音响的功能融为一体,为课堂互动、师生互动、生生互动提供技术支持,在当前小学数学教学中教学效益突出。  【关键词】交互式一体机;小学数学;互动教学  【中图分类号】G623.5;G434 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)36-0078-01  教學改革不断推进和发展,越发注重师生之间的互动交流。但在