Allergic purpura (HSP) in children with about 20% to 50% of nephritis, most children with kidney damage after weeks or months onset, long-term prognosis of HSP depends on the severity of renal damage. Therefore, the prevention of nephritis is very important for the long-term prognosis of HSP. The existing data suggest that corticosteroid therapy has no obvious effect on the course and outcome of purpura nephritis that has occurred. The purpose of this study is to explore whether early corticosteroid therapy can Prevent HSP nephritis. PATIENTS AND METHODS All patients with acute HSP from the University of Virginia Health Science Center from 1979 to 1991 were observed. Nephritis is diagnosed with gross or microscopic hematuria (centrifuge specimen RBC> 5 / HP), with or without proteinuria. All children were observed in the acute phase, from the onset