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随着社会的发展和医学的进步,医疗卫生条件得到不断的改善,人均期望寿命已由建国初期的35岁上升到目前的70.8岁,加上计划生育政策的进一步落实,人口出生率逐渐下降,我国老龄人口正以每年3%左右的速度增加。据国家统计资料公布,1999年底我国60岁以上的老年人口已达1.26亿,占全国总人口的10%。若把老年人定位在60岁以上,老年人口系数大于10%作为老龄化国家或地区的标准,我国已经迈入人口老龄化国家的行列。与经济发达国家不同的是,他们是在城市化、工业化发展到一定程度,人均收入较高的情况下出现人口老龄化,而我国则是在综合经济实力尚不发达的情况下迎来了人口老龄化。如不采取积极有效的应对措施,人口老龄化将对社会和经济的发展,以及文化、心理和精神等方面产生深远的负面影响,还会因医疗费用的大幅上涨增加对社会福利制度和医疗卫生服务的巨大压力。一、发展社区卫生服务能适应人口老龄化和医学模式转变,有效解决慢性病防治问题社区卫生服务的内容与现代医学模式要求相一致,是为 With the development of society and advancement of medicine, medical and health conditions have been continuously improved, and the average life expectancy has risen from 35 years in the early years of the founding of the People’s Republic of China to the current 70.8 years. Coupled with the further implementation of the family planning policy, the birth rate has gradually declined. The aging population is increasing at a rate of about 3% per year. According to the statistics released by the state, at the end of 1999, the elderly population aged over 60 in China had reached 126 million, accounting for 10% of the country’s total population. If the elderly are positioned above the age of 60, and the coefficient of the elderly population is greater than 10% as the standard of an aging country or region, China has entered the ranks of an aging population of countries. Different from the economically developed countries, they have an aging population as urbanization and industrialization have developed to a certain extent, and per capita income is relatively high. However, our country has ushered in population under the conditions of undeveloped comprehensive economic strength. Aging. Without active and effective response measures, the aging population will have profound negative effects on social and economic development, as well as cultural, psychological and spiritual aspects. It will also increase social welfare systems and medical care due to the sharp increase in medical expenses. The great pressure of service. First, the development of community health services can adapt to the aging of the population and the transformation of the medical model to effectively address the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases The content of community health services is consistent with the requirements of modern medical models.
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市场在变,行业在变,承载行业使命、服务行业的展会也要变。已在欧洲成功举办四届的中国纺织品服装贸易展览会(简称CTAF)今年将 The market is changing, the industry is ch
思茅松毛虫是近年我省新发现的一种危险性害虫,它分布广,危害严重,发生面积正逐年增加。省内外资料目前尚未报道我省有该虫发生,故特予以报道,以期引起重视和深入研究。 Pin