2 据《科技日报》报道,3月20日,由中铁十六局集团一公司承建的青藏铁路西格二线控制性工程———关角隧道4号斜井与5号斜井Ⅱ线实现零误差贯通,标志着世界高海拔第一铁路长隧Ⅱ线全线贯通。关角隧道全长32.645km,双线双洞,中铁十六局集团承建进口段17.372 km,分7个斜井和1个进口正洞作业区施工。管段工程、水文
2 According to the Science and Technology Daily, on March 20, the second line of control of the second line of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, No. 4 inclined shaft at No. 5 Guanjiao Tunnel and No. 2 inclined shaft, was constructed by a company of China Railway 16th Bureau Group to achieve zero Throughout the error, marking the world’s first high-altitude railway line II tunnel across the board. The Guanjiao Tunnel is 32.645km in length with double-lane two-hole construction and 17.372km of construction entrance section of the China Railway 16th Bureau Group, which is divided into 7 inclined shafts and 1 imported main tunnel operation area. Pipeline engineering, hydrology