Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Tall Building with Steel Transfer Trusses Located at a

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kezhixiao
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<正>Based on a shaking table experiment of 1 :25 scale frame-shearwall structure model with steel transfer trusses,the dynamic characteristics,seismic responses in elastic and elastic-plastic phases with de- structive forms of the structure were stud
【正】 1 简介 《邮电商情》(半月刊)由信息产业部主管、中国邮电企业管理协会主办、北京邮电大学协办,1994年创刊,是信息产业部门发布行业政策、跟踪最新技术、报道市场信息
【正】 中国邮政在20世纪的最后一年实现了独立运营,现在迎来了2000年。中国邮政将如何进一步改革与发展?中国邮政将会有怎样的前景?这是在新千年开始之际,邮政职工最关心的
A torque distribution strategy was designed by using fuzzy logic to realize the optimal control. The vehicle load zones were dynamically divided into several zo
【正】 10月18日,中国联通四川分公司在西南推出第一家“无线资讯网”,该网络覆盖全省,用户不用漫游登记,这标志着四川通信业在个人信息服务方面进入了一个新的领域。
<正>A rigorous analytical method is presented for calculating the interaction factor between two identi- cal piles subjected to vertical loads.Following the tec
<正>A car-following model named total generalized optimal velocity model (TGOVM) was developed with a consideration of an arbitrary number of preceding vehicles
【正】 山东邮电分营以来,山东省委、省政府十分重视邮政事业的发展,省委、省政府主要领导多次听取邮政工作汇报,对邮政发展中遇到的困难给予指示和协调,要求各级地方政府重
【正】 为了规范通信建设项目招标投标活动,保护国家利益、社会公共利益和招标投标活动当事人的合法权益,提高投资效益,保证通信建设项目质量,信息产业部日前发布了《通信建