匠心巧过渡 引领新高考——2007年高考历史江苏试卷评析

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2007年是江苏省实行旧的高考模式的最后一年。从2007年高考历史江苏试卷来看,其充分体现出了由旧课程和旧模式高考向新课程和新模式高考进行平稳过渡的特点,即在保持原有基本特征的基础上又适当体现了新课程改革的理念。具体说 The year 2007 was the last year for the implementation of the old college entrance examination model in Jiangsu Province. Judging from the history of the 2007 college entrance examination in Jiangsu, it fully reflects the characteristics of a smooth transition from the old curriculum and the old model of college entrance examination to the new curriculum and the new model of college entrance examination, that is, on the basis of maintaining the original basic characteristics, it also properly reflects the new The idea of ​​curriculum reform. Specifically
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本文分析以“方程”为背景的阅读理解型中考试题,供同学们参考.1.考查纠错能力例1 已知关于 x 的方程(k-1)x~2+(2k-3)x+k+1=0有两个不相等的实数根 x_1,x_2.(1)求 k 的取值
恰当地选择中间量,使它跟已知量和所求量都相联系,用它来搭桥牵线,可将问题简单化如图1所示,将容器内装入水后,放入水平桌面上,容器底部受到的压力为F,桌面受到的压力为 Th