
来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pootcat
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(一)一九五二年三月,我省在党和中央人民政府领导下,遵照中央爱国卫生运动委员会指示,在全省范围内以城市、厂矿、交通要道为重点,开展了爱国卫生运动。开始,主要任务是动员全省人民做好四净五灭工作,粉碎美帝国主义细菌战阴谋;一九五三年以后,转入以预防本省危害羣众健康最大的痢疾等传染病为其主要内容。爱国卫生运动的开展是结合了广大人民的卫生要求,配合了国家经济建设任务,因而羣众情绪很高,运动非常有力,基本做到「人人动手、个个参加」。形成一个规模浩大、持久不懈的羣众性卫生运动,获得巨大成就。三年来,为了泊除病媒昆虫的孳生条件,全省清除垃圾五百一十七万三千五百余吨,疏通淤塞的沟渠长建五千六百三十余里,城市厕所多数作到坑坑有盖。为了有效的扑灭病媒昆虫,每年通过春季的挖蛹运动,约计共挖除蝇蛹六十三吨半,捕鼠五百九十三万余只,各地还使用十九万九千七百余公斤消毒药品,并推广羣众自己创造的工具和药 (I) In March 1952, under the leadership of the party and the Central People’s Government, our province, in accordance with the instructions of the Central Patriotic Health Campaign Committee, carried out patriotic public health campaigns focusing on cities, factories, mines and transportation thoroughfares throughout the province. movement. At the beginning, its main task was to mobilize the entire people in the province to carry out the work of “four net and five elimination” and smash the conspiracy of the U.S. imperialism germ warfare. After 1953, it was transferred to prevent the epidemic such as dysentery, which is the most damaging to the masses in the province, content. The development of the patriotic health campaign is a combination of the people’s health requirements and the task of national economic construction. As a result, the mass public sentiment is very high and the movement is very vigorous. Basically “everyone does everything and participates in everything.” The formation of a massive, long-lasting, mass health campaign has made great achievements. In the past three years, in order to keep away the breeding conditions for vector-borne insects, the province cleared 5,137,500 tons of trash and dredged up 6,630 ditches of ditches, most of which were done in urban toilets The pit is covered. In order to eliminate vector insects effectively, a total of 63,300 tons of pupae and 5,930,000 mice were harvested each year through spring pupa hunting. Nine hundred and ninety-seven thousand Kilograms of disinfectants, and promote the tools and medicines created by the masses themselves
由省科委、省文管会、省教委等十三个单位组成的黑龙江省图书情报工作协调委员会成 By the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, the provincial cultural mana
晚期的附件妊娠破裂后形成腐胎,在腹内积存23年较罕见。本院曾见1例,报道如下: 患者颜××,50岁,住院号185,545。因腹部包块23年,伴剧痛、发热10天于1981年4月17日入院。患