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所谓两呆贷款,是呆帐贷款和呆滞贷款的合称。是指银行贷款中已经收不回来或收回来有很大困难的贷款。是银行不良资产的主要组成部分。本文试图对化解和防止两呆贷款的对策提出一些意见,希望得到共鸣,以促进问题的解决。银行两呆贷款是目前金融业主要风险和主要问题。虽然已是冰冻三尺,但也不是不能解决的,只要看清问题,领导真正重视起来,是能够解决的。江泽民总书记在十五大政治报告中指出,要“规范和维护金融秩序,有效防范和化解金融风险”。据此精神和目前情况,特提出以下意见作为解决问题的对策: The so-called double-headed loans, loans and loans are dull loans collectively. Refers to the bank loans have not received or recovered to have great difficulties in the loan. It is a major component of a bank’s non-performing assets. This article tries to put forward some suggestions on countermeasures to resolve and prevent the stay-at-home loans and hopes to find resonance so as to promote the solution of the problems. Bank loans for two days is the main financial risks and major problems. Although it has been frozen three feet, it is not unsolvable. As long as the problems are clearly understood, the leadership really can pay attention to it. General Secretary Jiang Zemin pointed out in the political report of the 15th National Congress that it is necessary to “regulate and maintain the financial order and effectively prevent and resolve financial risks.” Based on this spirit and the current situation, I put forward the following opinions as a solution to the problem:
  AIM Gallic acid (GA) and methyl gallate (MG) derived from grape seeds possess growth-inhibiting and apoptosisinducing activities in cancer cell lines in vit