Somatic embryogenesis in wild relatives of cotton (Gossypium Spp.)

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZHUTINGFNEG12
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Wild cotton species can contribute a valuable gene pool for agronomically desirable cultivated tetraploid cultivars. In order to exploit diploid cotton a regeneration system is required to achieve transformation based goals. The present studies aimed at optimizing the conditions for regeneration of local varieties as well as wild species of cotton. Different callus induction media were tested with varying concentrations of hormones in which sucrose was used as nutritional source. Different explants (hypo-cotyls, cotyledon, root) were used to check the regeneration of both local cotton plants and wild relatives using T & G medium, BAP medium, CIM medium, EMMS medium, and cell suspension medium. Different stages of embryogenicity such as early torpedo stage, late torpedo stage, heart stage, globular stage and cotyledonary stage were observed in wild relatives of cotton. The results of this study pave the way for establishing future transformation methods. Wild cotton species can contribute a valuable gene pool for agronomically desirable cultivated tetraploid cultivars. In order to exploit diploid cotton a regeneration system is required to achieve transformation based goals. The present studies aimed at optimizing the conditions for regeneration of local varieties as well as wild species of cotton. Different callus induction media were tested with varying concentrations of hormones in which sucrose was used as nutritional source. Different explants (hypo-cotyls, cotyledon, root) were used to check the regeneration of both local cotton plants and wild relatives using Different stages of embryogenicity such as early torpedo stage, late torpedo stage, heart stage, globular stage and cotyledonary stage were observed in wild relatives of cotton. The T & G medium, BAP medium, CIM medium, EMMS medium, and cell suspension medium. results of this study pave the way for establishing future transformation methods.
中医认为,草鱼性温,味甘,入肝、胃经,有暖胃和中、祛风等功效,可治虚劳、风虚头痛等证,是温中补虚的养生佳品。此外,鱼肉多为优质蛋白,营养价值很高;其所含脂肪多为多不饱和脂肪酸,利于降脂、降压和预防心血管病。将鱼肉做成丸子煮食,能使鱼肉蛋白的消化吸收更好,利用率提高。  做法是取草鱼一条约500克,猪肉100克,鸡蛋1个,姜、葱、淀粉、胡椒粉、食盐适量。猪肉剁成肉馅备用;草鱼宰杀后剔除骨刺和鱼皮,切
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