不息为体 日新为道——王如何的艺术探求

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每个画家都在追求自己心中的完美。 中国画是有根底的画种,积累磨炼达数千年。审美愈至典雅高深,要求的章节条款也就愈多而严。所以,除去一般绘画所应被严格要求的各种品质之外,更有无论是笔墨涵养根基、画面气韵品格等等,几乎处处都有难度。真是步步为营,步步陷井,章法规矩之中几乎寸步难行。如不事事谨慎为之,难免有所贻误,很难达到完美境地。 作画的要求如此多,若对此把握不当,或正在把握的过程之中,便会感到牵手绊足,感觉顿失.以至于画家不一定每时都能使自己的心神达到自由境地的最佳状态。而自由境地恰恰又是写意国画的难点:一是各种严密的审美要求,制定了写意国画的品格;二是写意国画的精神即为自由精神,一个国画家,甚至在相当时期内,却很难同时在这两方面都到位。面对这个矛盾,王如 Every painter is in pursuit of perfection in his heart. Chinese painting is a fundamental painting, accumulated for thousands of years. Aesthetics more elegant and sophisticated, the terms and conditions of the request will be more and more strict. Therefore, apart from the various qualities that should be strictly required for general painting, there are more and more difficulties everywhere, whether it is the foundation of pen and ink, the character and so on. Really embattled, step by step trap, the rules and regulations of almost impossible. If things do not be cautious, it will inevitably be delaying their efforts and it will be very hard to achieve the perfect situation. If there are so many requests for painting, if you mishandle it or are in the process of grasping it, you will feel hand in hand and feel lost, so that the painter may not always be able to bring his own mind to the best of freedom status. However, it is precisely the difficulty of freehand drawing of traditional Chinese painting: First, various strict aesthetic requirements and formulating the character of freehand painted Chinese painting; secondly, the spirit of freehand painted Chinese painting is the spirit of freedom. A Chinese painter, even during a considerable period of time, Difficulties are in place at both. In the face of this conflict, Wang Ru
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器×q01厘米纸太设色~co害正牧归@韩敬伟 × q01 cm paper is too color ~ co co-owned animal husbandry @ Han Jingwei 