当你已从小女孩成长成为一个成年女子,手中的童话书换作了公文包与化妆镜,还有什么可以让你重温爱丽丝温游奇境般的魔幻感受?如果有这样一个化妆品品牌,每次当你走进那紫色变幻的店铺,如同走进了一个魔法师的秘密房间,它的每一件产品都仿佛刚从古老童话中跌落出来,散发着神奇东方咒语的魔力,你会爱上它吗?——这就是世界著名彩妆品牌ANNA SUI(安娜苏)带给你的感觉。谁是安娜苏? 提到ANNA SUI这个品牌就不能不先说说它的创造者——纽约时尚设计安娜苏,她本人就是一个小魔女式的人物,ANNA SUI彩妆品所透出的既神秘又天真、朴拙中蕴含优雅的气质正是她个人风格的完美体
When you have grown from a young girl to become an adult woman, the hands of the book for the fairy tale with a briefcase and make-up mirror, what else can make you revisit Alice in Wonderland-like magic experience? If there is such a cosmetic brand, Each time you walk into the purple shop, like walking into a magician’s secret room, each of its products just as if just dropped from the ancient fairy tale, exudes magic magic magic spell, you will love On it? - this is the world famous make-up brand ANNA SUI (Anna Sui) gives you the feeling. Who is Anna Sui mentioned ANNA SUI this brand can not but talk about its creator - New York fashion design Anna Sui, she is a small witch-style figure, ANNA SUI cosmetics revealed both mysterious and naive, Implicit in the elegant temperament is her personal style perfect body