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脱磷是炼钢过程中重要环节之一,传统的办法是用石灰造渣,通过氧化使磷进入渣中,以后将其扒除。但有些情况这种方法不宜采用,如合金钢的返回法冶炼,不能进行氧化和扒渣操作,即使部分扒渣也会损失贵重的合金元素,特别是像不锈钢,高锰钢等高合金钢经过多次返回重熔后,钢中的磷富集提高,使耐蚀或使用性能下降,严重时还会超过标准规定而报废,还有在还原期合金化时,遇到高磷铁合金或扒渣不干净的情况,回磷严重,使成份出格,不得不返工或报废。楚雄州吕合煤矿和昆明工学院共同发展了一种用钡系渣脱磷的新方法,不用扒除氧化渣,还 Dephosphorization is an important part of the steelmaking process. The traditional method is to make slag by using lime to make phosphorus enter the slag through oxidation and then remove it. However, in some cases this method is not suitable for use, such as the return of the alloy steel smelting, can not be oxidized and slag removal operation, even some of the slag will also lose valuable alloying elements, especially high alloy steel such as stainless steel, high manganese steel Repeated return to the remelting, the phosphorus enrichment in the steel to improve, so corrosion or use performance degradation, in serious cases will exceed the standard provisions of the scrap, as well as alloying in the reduction period, met the high phosphorus iron alloy or slag Not clean, serious back to phosphorus, make the ingredients out of style, had to rework or scrapped. Chuxiong Luhe Coal Mine and Kunming Institute of Technology jointly developed a new method of dephosphorization with barium-based slag, without removing the oxide residue, but also
何炳棣在《读史阅世六十年》(广西师大出版社2005年版)中,用相当多的篇幅谈及家族制度对于个人成长的影响。其中一个细节颇有趣味:  除父亲外,身教言传对我一生影响最深的莫过于外祖母张老太太……最使我终身不忘的是我吃饭时,外祖母不止一次地教训我:菜肉能吃尽管吃,但总要把一块红烧肉留到碗底最后一口吃,这样老来才不会吃苦。  这一细节之所以让我印象深刻,是因为它让我想到幼年时,祖母也曾有过类似的教诲。不
前言利用高软化点沥青(亦称高温沥青或硬沥青)生产石墨电极及铝用阳极,由于有提高制品的机械强度、假比重和抗氧化能力,减少使用单耗和电耗,便于夏季贮运及改善劳动环境 Pr
文章在查阅资料的基础上,介绍了Voice公式的概况,并根据实验室初步的试验结果,对Voice公式的几个问题作了一些讨论。 The article introduced the general situation of Voi
1.测试方法 由于炉渣的导热性较差,如采取将测温偶头直接插入渣中时,该测头易被钢渣裹住。其热电势记录曲线出现“爬坡”现象,且久久不易达到平衡值。因此所得到的温度数值
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以下6个项目,是编辑跟踪了装修实例中发现的最易变质的项目,签订预算合同时可千万小心! The following six projects, editing and tracking of decoration examples found