实施产加销一体 推进产业化进程

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华鑫集团公司原是一家资不抵债的镇办小纺织厂。这几年,坚持以市场为导向,以科技为依托,以高效为目标,突破产业界限,注重结构调整,开发特种水产养殖,走出了一条因地制宜、产业优化、良性循环的发展之路。现有资产总额3.44亿元,净资产2.33亿元。并从甲鱼养殖,逐步发展到鳖制品加工、甲鱼专用饲料生产和欧洲鳗养殖,形成工艺头巾、特种水产饲料、特种水产品和鳖制品四大产品系列,基本成为一头连接大市场,一头带动养殖基地和农户的跨地区、跨行业、跨所有制的贸工农一体化国家级农业企业集团,被列为1996年度全国最高利税总额千家乡镇企业的第112位。一、坚持以市场为导向,大力推进结构调整。华鑫集团公司原是一家镇办小型纺织企业,以生产阿拉伯头巾为主,产品主要销往中东阿拉伯国家,虽然其产品质 Huaxin Group was originally a small, insolvent town-run textile mill. In the past few years, we have been adhering to the market-oriented approach, relying on science and technology, aiming at high efficiency, breaking through industrial boundaries, paying attention to structural adjustment, and developing special aquaculture, and developed a development path based on local conditions, industrial optimization, and a virtuous circle. The existing total assets of 344 million yuan, net assets of 233 million yuan. And from turtle culture, it has gradually developed into the processing of eel products, special feed for soft-shelled turtles, and eel farming in Europe. It has formed four series of products: headscarf, special aquatic feed, special aquatic products, and eel products. It has basically become a big market to connect, and it has driven aquaculture. The cross-regional, cross-industry, and inter-ownership integration of trade, industry, and agriculture across the country’s bases and farmer households has been ranked as the 112th nationwide with the highest total tax revenue in the country in 1996. First, adhere to market-oriented and vigorously promote structural adjustment. Huaxin Group was originally a town-run small textile company, mainly Arab headscarves. Its products are mainly sold to Arab countries in the Middle East, although its quality
(一)Bush Boake Allen一在其年度报告中说,位于佛罗里达州Gecksonui(?)e以及英国Widstes的合成化学厂在今年把减少妨碍生产流程的一环列入计划以促进开发新的合成产品。BBA
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Why could Kingway, brand of Shenzhen Brewery CompanyLimited (SBC). in so short time realize its dream and acquire glories? What is its secret in success? What
香港回归,举世瞩目。面对国内化妆品市场的国际化,浙江爱迪化妆品公司于1996年底来到香港这个世界化妆品的博览中心设立了香港回归香妆品有限公司。 Hong Kong’s return h
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据IDC最近公布的一份研究报告,预计受 According to a study recently released by IDC, it is expected that
慕尼黑警方最近查获了一家伪造芯片团伙,逮捕了其中的12名成员,并且向欧洲各国要求逮捕另外12名在逃的成员。警方怀疑已被捕的12人参与倒卖伪造的Intel Pentium芯片和一些盗