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水胺硫磷又名Optunal,Bay 93820,结构式为 它是一种新型有机磷农药,既杀虫又杀卵,可防治多种作物上的红蜘蛛,其效果特别好。近年来,我们用40%水胺硫磷乳剂测定和防治为害苹果的山楂红蜘蛛,井以20%三氯杀螨醇2,009倍、25%杀虫脒水剂800倍作对比,结果如下。 一、室内测定(表1、表2) 由表1和表2看出,40%水胺硫磷对山楂红蜘蛛雌成虫和卵的效果都很好,杀虫率97.4—100%,杀卵率90.7—94.6%,与20%三氯杀螨醇2,000倍和25%杀虫脒800倍,杀虫杀卵效果,基本一致。 Isocarbophos, also known as Optunal, Bay 93820, structural formula is that it is a new type of organophosphorus pesticides, both insecticidal and oviposition, can prevent a variety of crops on the red spider, the effect is particularly good. In recent years, we used 40% aqueous ammonia parathion emulsion determination and control of apple-hawed spider mites, with 20% dicofol 2,009 times, 25% of the pesticidal amidine amidine 800 times for comparison, the results are as follows. First, the indoor test (Table 1, Table 2) Table 1 and Table 2 shows that 40% of the pesticides and Hawthorn Red spider female adults and eggs are very good, insecticidal rate of 97.4-100%, killing eggs The rate of 90.7-94.6%, and 20% dicofol 2,000 times and 25% chlordimeform 800 times, insecticidal and oviposition effect, basically the same.
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旋花天蛾Herse convolvuli Linnaeus为甘薯上重要害虫,六十年代以来,常给淮北地区甘薯生产上带来不同程度的损失。关于其幼期形态变化及生活习性方面,国內报道的不多,为了正
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目的:评价从黑鳗藤根中分离得到的C21甾体苷--黑鳗藤新苷A(stemucronatoside A,SA)的溶血性及免疫佐剂作用。方法:以分光光度法测定黑鳗藤新苷A对血红细胞的溶血百分率;以卵
大厂县棉田,自1967年发现零星棉枯、黄萎病后,很快蔓延扩展,病情逐年严重。1979年开展普查,并采取综合防治措施;现在基本上控制了病害,皮棉单产有所回升。 (一) 为了找出这
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