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随着技术革命的蓬勃发展,传感器已成为信息社会采集信息的主要手段.传感器敏感材料和元件是发展传感器的物质基础.为了促进我国传感器技术的发展和应用,中国仪器仪表学会仪表材料学会、四川省仪表学会仪表材料元件专业委员会、重庆市科委、重庆市科协和机械工业部重庆仪表材料研究所于1985年10月8日在重庆市联合举办《全国传感器敏感材料元件及其应用学术交流会暨展览会》并编辑出版本次会议的《会议论文集》. 《会议论文集》收集了本届学术交流论文全文75篇.论文摘要63篇.题录46篇.主要包括:(一)敏感材料及其应用研究(二)传感器的研制,生产和性能测试及其应用.还有反映国内外这一技术领域发展水平的综述性论文,以及国外传感器技术的考察报告.内容涉及力敏、压敏、热敏、湿敏、光敏、气敏、声敏、磁敏、化学敏及生物敏等,对从事传感器研究、生产和使用者有着重要的参考价值.为了使这次会议的成果得到更广泛的交流,我们将《会议论文集》的论文部分.文摘部分和题录部分的总目录刊出,以供读者查阅时参考.本刊将在1986年第1期刊登“全国传感器敏感材料元件及其应用学术交流会暨展览会”特集,报导有关会议的详细情况和选登有代表性的论文,以飨读者。 With the vigorous development of technology revolution, sensors have become the main means of information gathering in information society.Sensors Sensitive materials and components are the material basis for the development of sensors.In order to promote the development and application of sensor technology in China, the Chinese Society of Instrumentation Society of Instrumentation Materials, Sichuan Provincial Institute of Instrumentation Instrumentation Materials and Components Committee, Chongqing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Chongqing Association for Science and Technology and Chongqing Institute of Instrumentation Materials on October 8, 1985 in Chongqing Municipality jointly organized the “national sensor-sensitive materials and components of the academic exchange Will cum exhibition ”and edited and published the meeting of“ Conference Proceedings. ”“ Conference Proceedings ”collected the full text of the academic exchange 75 papers .63 abstracts .Bottery 46. Mainly include: (a) Sensitive Materials and Their Applications (2) Development, Production and Performance Testing of Sensors and Their Applications There are also review papers reflecting the level of development in this field at home and abroad, as well as foreign sensor technology inspection reports. Pressure sensitive, thermal, moisture, light sensitivity, gas sensitivity, sound sensitivity, magnetic sensitivity, chemical sensitivity and bio-sensitive, etc., Research, production and users.For the sake of more extensive exchange of the achievements of this conference, we have put forward the dissertation part, the abstract part and the title part of the conference proceedings, For reference when readers access to the magazine will be published in the first issue of 1986 << National Sensor Sensitive Materials Components and Applications >> Academic Exchanges and Exhibitions feature collection, reported on the details of the meeting and selected the representative papers to飨 readers.
大部分的藏区景色,都是大漠戈壁的苍凉之美;可藏东南却得天独厚,拥有意境各不相同的四季景色。其中最美的又莫过于春秋,桃花和彩a林为雪山旷野增添不少颜色与层次。但好景总是转瞬即逝,这两季最好的时间前后不过十数天,早了迟了,便无花无叶,损失一半的美丽。清明前后凑了10天假期,专心在林芝一带深度游摄,就为了这一年一季的桃花期。  有人说桃花到处有,到哪儿看不都一样么,何必山长路远跑去林芝?可我说,哪儿的桃
如果我问你,车有没有语言,你的回答肯定是“没有”。那你就错了,因为,我发现了车的语言!  瞧,那列火车在“轰隆轰隆”地向前跑,它是在说:“嘿呦!嘿呦!我累了!”啊,火车累了,是不是因为里面坐的人太多了?  警车是个负责的卫士,它一出动,坏人就直哆嗦。它那清脆的叫声往往会让好人感到安全,让坏人感到恐慌。我们听到的“呜哇呜哇”的叫声,其实是它在说:“抓住他!抓住他!”  救护车像个善良的小姑娘,它总是
本文提出用界面保护剂来获得清晰平稳的电泳界面。本法还能对浓度小于0.4%的溶胶不经净化直接测定ζ电势,其结果与文献值甚为一致。 In this paper, we propose to use inter
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