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成组工艺是五十年代开始发展起来的先进技术。随着电子计算机技术的发展,在单件、小批生产中越来越显示出它的优越性。因此目前在机械工业发达的国家中都在积极开展研究和推广,成效显著。上海地区和全国一样,这项技术在六十年代初,有些工厂已经试行,并取得了初步成绩和经验。但由于受“四人帮”的干扰和破坏,十多年来一直处于停顿状态。去年三月,一机部机床总局在汉中召开机床行业的成组工艺交流会,十二月初又在大连召开机床零件编码法则审查会,初步制订了我国机床行业零件编码的试行草案(JCBM)。一机部已把推广“成组工艺”列为重大技术政策之一。本市机械工程学会机械加工学组对此已举行过几次学术报告和经验交流会,有些工厂已在准备推广应用。但由于这项技术发展到现在,已不仅仅是一个加工问题,而是涉及到整个工厂的组织管理、产品设计、加工工艺及车间布置等各方面的改革问题,不是靠个别部门或少数人员所能推行的。在这方面还没有得到普遍的认识。本刊在上期刊登了“成组工艺国内外现状及展望”,现又刊登本文,目的在于引起有关方面对这项新技术的重视,也希望广大读者对此提供宝贵经验和建议。 Group technology is the fifties began to develop advanced technology. With the development of computer technology, it has shown its superiority more and more in single piece and small batch production. Therefore, research and promotion are actively carried out in countries with advanced machinery industry with remarkable results. In Shanghai, like all other countries in the country, some of the factories have been piloted in the early 1960s and have achieved initial success and experience. However, it has been at a standstill for over 10 years due to the interference and sabotage by the “gang of four.” In March last year, a Machine Tool Bureau held a group process exchange meeting in the machine tool industry in Hanzhong. In early December, a review meeting of the code of machine tool parts code was held in Dalian to formulate a trial draft (JCBM) of China’s machine tool industry part code. A machine department has to promote “group process” as one of the major technical policies. Mechanical Engineering Institute of Mechanical Engineering Society has held several academic reports and experience exchange meetings, some factories are ready to promote the application. However, since the development of this technology up to now, it has not only been a processing issue, but a matter of reform concerning various aspects such as organizational management, product design, processing technology and shop layout of the entire factory, not by individual departments or minority personnel Can push There is no universal understanding in this regard. In the last issue of this magazine, “Group Technology Status and Prospects at home and abroad,” is now published in this paper, the purpose is to arouse the attention of the parties concerned with this new technology, but also hope that the majority of readers provide valuable experience and suggestions.
为保障氩弧焊接和等离子焊接作业人员的安全与健康,加强劳动防护和安全教育,从本期开始,将陆续连载有关《氩弧焊接和等离子焊接安全技术》的知识,以供参考。 To protect the
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