Designing appropriate heat treatment temperature for LaNi_(3.8)Al_(0.75)Mn_(0.45) alloy

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spirit_if
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The effect of heat treatment on microstructure, equilibrium hydrogen sorption pressure and plateau slope of LaNi3.8Al0.75Mn0.45 alloy was investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis indicates that annealed alloys have single phase and the same hexagonal structure as that of LaNi5 alloy (CaCu5 type, P6/mmm). The cell parameters of alloys fluctuate with the increasing annealing temperature. The equilibrium hydrogen pressure and plateau slope are a parabola function with annealing temperature for LaNi3.8Al0.75Mn0.45 alloy. By this relationship, an appropriate heat treatment temperature for LaNi3.8Al0.75Mn0.45 alloy is determined to about 1220-1230 K by mathematic simulation process. However, the maximum hydrogen storage capacity of alloys does not affected by the annealing temperature. The effect of heat treatment on microstructure, equilibrium hydrogen sorption pressure and plateau slope of LaNi3.8Al0.75Mn0.45 alloy was investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed that annealed alloys have single phase and the same hexagonal structure as that of The equilibrium parameters of alloys fluctuate with increasing increasing temperature. The equilibrium hydrogen pressure and plateau slope are a parabola function with annealing temperature for LaNi3.8Al0.75Mn0.45 alloy. By this relationship , an appropriate heat treatment temperature for LaNi3.8Al0.75Mn0.45 alloy is determined to about 1220-1230 K by mathematic simulation process. However, the maximum hydrogen storage capacity of alloys does not affect by the annealing temperature.
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摘 要:农村初中数学与小学数学教学存在脱节的现象,教师可以采取抓好学习方法指导,注意教师教学上的衔接,联系生活实际解决问题等方面去抓好有效衔接,可以避免脱节问题。  关键词:中小学数学;教学脱节;对策  我是一名九年一贯制农村边远乡村的小学数学教师。我发现,许多孩子在小学时,数学成绩一直不错,可到了初中,数学成绩却一落千丈,有的甚至放弃了数学这门学科。针对这一现象,我谈谈自己的看法。我认为,造成农