Solid liquid Mixed Casting of Al-Si Alloy

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nyhtstchhgxl
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The paper presents a novel material preparation technology—Solid liquid mixed casting technology. In the technology, large amounts of homogeneous alloy powder or heterogenous powder with perfect wettability are added into the superheated melt. After strong agitation, the mixed melt can be cast or hot processed. Applying solid liquid mixed casting, three kinds of Al Si alloys were investigated. The results show that, when the mass of powder accession to alloy melt is about 1, the mean size of primary Si in hyper eutectic alloy can be controlled at less than 5 μm; and the mean grain size of α phase in hypo eutectic alloy is less than 10 μm. This technology has the advantage of preparing material with very fine microstructure by fairly simple casting process, and may be a new practicable and valuable metal preparation technology. The paper presents a novel material preparation technology-Solid liquid mixed casting technology. In the technology, large amounts of homogeneous alloy powder or heterogenous powder with perfect wettability are added into the superheated melt. After strong agitation, the mixed melt can be cast or hot processed. Applying solid liquid mixed casting, three kinds of Al Si alloys were investigated. The results show that, when the mass of powder accession to alloy melt is about 1, the mean size of primary Si in hyper eutectic alloy can be controlled at less than 5 μm; and the mean grain size of α phase in hypo eutectic alloy is less than 10 μm. This technology has the advantage of preparing material with very fine microstructure by fairly simple casting process, and may be a new practicable and valuable metal preparation technology.
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