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“十五”时期,在党中央、国务院和自治区党委、自治区人民政府的正确领导下,全区各族人民解放思想,转变观念,深化改革,努力拼搏,胜利完成了“十五”计划确定的目标任务,全区人均生产总值突破1000美元,人均财政收入突破1000元。今日之广西,进入了历史上发展最好的时期。 “十一五”是我区重要的发展机遇期,自治区提出了以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局,以“四个广西”为核心内容推进和谐广西建设的重大战略决策。广西的整体推进,离不开14个市的全面快速发展。因此,在“十一五”第一年的开年之际,我们特邀全区各市的市委书记共同回顾“十五”不凡的经历,展望各市“十一五”的宏伟蓝 Under the correct leadership of the party Central Committee, the State Council, the party committee of the autonomous region and the people’s government of the autonomous region and the people’s government of the autonomous region, the people of all nationalities in the region emancipated their minds, changed their concepts, deepened their reforms, and worked hard to complete the “fifteen ”The plan to determine the objectives and tasks, the region’s per capita GDP exceeded 1,000 US dollars, per capita fiscal revenue exceeded 1,000 yuan. Today’s Guangxi has entered the best period in history. The Eleventh Five-Year Plan is an important development opportunity for our region. The autonomous region proposed major strategic decisions to promote the construction of a harmonious Guangxi with the scientific concept of development as the overall guide for economic and social development and the core content of “Four Guangxis”. The overall progress of Guangxi can not be separated from the comprehensive and rapid development of 14 cities. Therefore, on the opening day of the first year of the Eleventh Five-year Plan, we invited the municipal Party committee secretaries of cities and cities in the whole region to jointly review the extraordinary experiences of the “10th Five-year Plan” and look forward to the “Eleventh Five-year” Magnificent blue
In an alkaline 2-propanol solution with 5,10,15,20-tetra(4-methoxyl phenyl) porphyrin iron chloride(TOMPPFeCl) as a catalyst and oxygen as a cheap green oxidant
目的 :探讨新生儿 G- 6 - PD缺乏与性别和高胆红素血症的关系。方法 :采用 G- 6 - PD试纸法对 1999年 1月~ 2 0 0 2年 12月在我院产科出生的新生儿 2 380例进行 G- 6 - PD筛查