
来源 :中国果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ymh19900920
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郑黄3号系以西北黄桃“早熟黄甘”为母本,丰黄为父本杂交选育出的早熟罐桃新品种。果实于7月上旬成熟,比生产品种丰黄早熟7~10天。该品种果形椭圆,肉色橙黄,肉质细韧坚实,不溶质;加工性能好,吨耗量低,罐头成品质量优良,达到国家一级品标准。郑黄3号丰产稳产,栽培管理省工,适应性较广,目前己在河南、山东、甘肃等省扩大试栽2000余亩,受到生产者的欢迎。 Zheng Huang 3 is a new variety of precocious pot peach cultivated in northwest yellow peach “Premature yellow sweet” as the female parent, Feng Huang as the male parent. The fruit is mature in early July, 7 to 10 days earlier than the variety of production Feng Huang. The variety of fruit-shaped oval, flesh-colored orange, fleshy thin and firm solid, insoluble; processing performance, tons of low-consumption, excellent quality canned products, up to the national first-class product standards. Zhenghuang 3 has a high and stable yield, cultivation, management and labor saving. It has a wide range of adaptability. At present, it has expanded its planted planting area of ​​more than 2000 mu in Henan, Shandong and Gansu provinces, and is welcomed by producers.
分析了开关电源噪声产生的原因,从切断噪声传播途径和减小噪声源两个方面介绍了减小噪声的具体方法。 The reason of switching power supply noise is analyzed. The concr
健康的性爱能改变一个家庭一成不变的生活方式。医学专家通过长期的科学研究和临床试验发现,性爱对身体健康有巨大的促进作用。美国的一项研究显示,每周两次性生活,对男 Hea