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世界有机颜料工业始于19世纪60年代,至今已有130多年历史,与染料工业基本同步.本世纪30年代到70年代是有机颜料发展最快的时期,颜料结构类别和品种的开发也集中在这个阶段.进入80年代之后,有机颜料工业经历了一个调整和重新组合的时期.在其上半叶不少生产规模在2000t/a~4000/a加的中小型有机颜料制造企业由于需花费大量资金用于兴建废水处理装置,并且迫于公司竞争压力,相继把自己的技术和产业卖给了大公司.1986年瑞士Sandoz公司的莱茵河农药污染事件发生后,各国严格环境保护法律,对中小型有机颜料制造企业的威胁更大,再加上各大公司为了适应市场多样化的要求开发出不少有机颜料新品种,提高其市场竞争力,因此中小型制造企业继续变迁或卖给大公司.这样到90年代初,世界有机颜料工业更趋于集中化,生产和开发基本上集中在大日本油墨、东洋油墨、大日精化、Ciba、BASF、Hoechst和ICI等7家大公司中. The world’s organic pigment industry began in the 1960s and has a history of more than 130 years. It is basically in sync with the dye industry. The 30th to the 70th century saw the fastest development of organic pigments. The development of pigment structure categories and varieties is also focused on. This stage. After entering the 1980s, the organic pigment industry experienced a period of adjustment and recombination. In the first half of the year, many small and medium-sized organic pigment manufacturing enterprises with production scales of 2000t/a to 4000/a were required to spend a great deal of time. The funds were used for the construction of wastewater treatment plants and were forced by the company’s competitive pressure to sell their technologies and industries to large companies. After the Sandoz company’s Rhine Pollution Pollution Incident of 1986 in Switzerland, various countries strictly enforced environmental protection laws. The threat of small organic pigment manufacturing companies is even greater. In addition, major companies have developed new varieties of organic pigments in order to adapt to the diversification of the market and increased their market competitiveness. As a result, small and medium-sized manufacturing companies continue to change or sell to large companies. Thus, by the early 1990s, the world’s organic pigment industry was more centralized, and production and development were basically concentrated in Dainippon Ink and Toyo Ink. Dainichiseika, Ciba, BASF, Hoechst and ICI seven largest companies.
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此材料具有以下优点: 成本低。可用于建造各类挡土墙、堤坝、桥墩和采矿构造,在成本上比传统方法要低许多。 制造容易、速度快、便于包装和运输。 重量轻。相对构造的体积,