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科技中介服务机构,顾名思义,是指为科技创新主体提供社会化、专业化服务以支撑和促进创新活动的机构。这类机构主要开展与科技创新直接相关的信息交流、决策咨询、资源配置、技术服务以及科技鉴证等业务,对政府、各类创新主体与市场之间的知识流动和技术转移发挥着关键性的促进作用,能够有效降低创新成本、化解创新风险、加快科技成果转化、提高整体创新功效。 我国科技中介机构大多产生于80年代,从功能上大体可划分为三类:一是直接参与服务对象技术创新过程的机构,包括生产力促进中心、创业服务中心、工程技术研究中心等;二是主要利用技术、管理和市场等方面的知识为创新主体提供咨询服务的机构,包括科技评估中心、科技招投标机构、情报信息中心、知识产权事务中心和各类科技咨询机构等;三是主要为科技资源有效流动、合理配置提供服务的机构,包括常设技术市场、人才中介市场、科技条件市场、技术产权交易机构等。 Technology intermediary service agencies, as its name implies, refer to the institutions that provide social and professional services for scientific and technological innovation entities to support and promote innovative activities. Such institutions mainly carry out information exchange, decision-making consultation, resource allocation, technical services and technology forensics which are directly related to scientific and technological innovation and play a key role in the knowledge flow and technology transfer between the government, various types of innovation entities and the market Promote the role, can effectively reduce the cost of innovation, to resolve the risks of innovation, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, improve the overall effectiveness of innovation. Most of China’s science and technology intermediary agencies were born in the 1980s and can be divided into three categories from the perspective of their functions: First, institutions directly involved in the process of technical innovation of service targets, including the Productivity Promotion Center, Entrepreneurship Service Center, Engineering Technology Research Center; secondly, Institutions that provide consulting services to innovative subjects, such as technology assessment centers, scientific and technological bidding agencies, intelligence information centers, IPR centers and various types of scientific and technological advisory bodies, utilizing technologies, management and market knowledge; thirdly, Effective flow of resources, rational allocation of services to provide institutions, including permanent technology market, talent intermediary market, technology market conditions, technology and property rights trading institutions.
日前,江苏宜兴万兴化工有限公司的美洁牌汽油清净剂通过了省科委组织的省级鉴定。 美洁牌汽油清净剂是该公司和北京清华大学华实科技服务中心共同开发。该产品是一种具有清
In order to meet the market demands for more premium distillates and the more stringent requirements of environment protection, China refineries should find a b