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四川省大邑县酿造厂位于“天府之国”的西部,以生产唐场豆腐乳闻名于世。产品系选用粒大颗满的上等黄豆制作白坯,以蚕豆、糯米、菜油等作辅料酿制而成。产品素有滋味鲜美、风味独特、营养丰富等特点,是一种独具特色的佐餐调味佳品。唐场豆腐乳系地方名特产品,距今已有一百多年历史。解放前由几家私人开业,当时产量少、规模小。解放后虽有较大发展,但因工艺落后,远不能满足市场需要。为了进一步开发名特产品,大邑县酿造厂从1979年开始对传统工艺进行改革,大胆地去掉了前期发酵工艺,并改坛贮为池贮发酵,成功地研制出以米曲霉的酶为酶制剂生产唐场豆腐乳的工艺流程,与传统工艺比较具有以下优点: Daxu County Brewing Plant of Sichuan Province is located in the western part of the “Land of Abundance” and is famous for producing bean curd in Tang Dynasty. The product line uses the finest, top-grade soybeans to make white billets, which are brewed with beans, glutinous rice, vegetable oil and other ingredients. The product is characterized by delicious taste, unique flavor, rich nutrition and other characteristics, is a unique table seasoning to share. Tang field bean curd is a local special product, which has a history of more than 100 years. Before the liberation, it was opened by several private individuals. At that time, the output was small and the scale was small. After the liberation, although there was great development, due to the backwardness of the process, it was far from meeting the needs of the market. In order to further develop famous products, Dagu County brewing plant began to reform traditional craftsmanship in 1979, boldly removed the pre-fermentation process, and changed the altar as a storage and fermentation, and successfully developed an enzyme called Aspergillus oryzae as an enzyme. The preparation process of the Tang Dynasty fermented bean curd milk has the following advantages compared to the traditional process:
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Ⅰ.单项选择(20分)  1. The football match was so ____ that the boy was too ____ to fall asleep.   A. excited; excitingB. exciting; excited   C. exciting; exciting D. excited; excited  2. ——Could you help me