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  Pageants processions can be seen in many countries and regions all round the world, such as Halloween, Carnival and so on. They belong to common cultural phenomenon and are mostly related with religious legends. Festival of Giants popular in some parts of Belgium and France is one of such festivals. Today it provides a sense of identity to certain Belgian towns (Ath, Brussels, Dendermonde, Mechelen and Mons), French towns (Cassel, Douai, Pézenas and Tarascon) and Vanlo in Holland where they remain living traditions.
  These cultural expressions first appeared in the urban religious processions of sixteenth century western Europe. These giants and dragons are large-scale models measuring up to nine metres in height and weighing up to 350 kilos. They represent mythical heroes or animals, trades or contemporary local figures, historical, biblical or legendary characters. St George fighting the dragon is staged in Mons, Bayard the horse from the Charlemagne legend parades in Reuze Papa and Reuze Maman, popular family characters parade at Cassel. The wide range of performances, often mixing secular procession and religious ceremony, varies from town to town. However, there is one constant: each expression follows a precise ritual and the giant is often related to the history, legend or life of the town.
  Giants and dragons also animate other popular festivals where they are the main actors at least once a year, as each giant has its specific feast day. These gigantic effigies are carried by one or two people, who are hidden inside. They act out historical scenes and dance in the streets to the accompaniment of fanfares and costumed people. The crowd follows the procession, and many help in the preparations at different stages of the festival. The construction of a giant, and its ongoing maintenance, requires weeks of work and know-how in many techniques given the range of materials used.
  "Dragon" in the dragon festival in western countries is different with the "dragon" in China, and the former is more like a carnival dinosaur, and the emblem of horror and evil, and is derived from the biblical fable: "at the beginning of the Christian era, there lived a beast called as 'dragon' by local people in the cavern. It had long wrecked havoc in the area and devoured many sailor and villagers. Later a saintess miraculously subdued it." Hence, the original intention of Dragon festival is to celebrate the conquering of the dragon.   每个传说中的巨人都有特定的纪念日,因此,每个巨人和巨龙一年至少有一次会在某个节日中扮演主角。一到二人藏在巨大的塑像中推动它,和其它装扮好的演员一起,在吹奏乐器的伴奏下,表演历史情境,或者在街上舞蹈。人群簇拥着表演队伍前进,许多人帮助准备表演的场地。完成这些巨大塑像并维护好它,需要花费好几个星期,各种材料的运用也需要很高的技艺。
  In Belgium, dragon is also regarded as a devil slaughtered by the patron saint. Dragon-fighting festival at Mons near French is quite famous. The festival which celebrated the achievements of getting rid of the cruel and pacifying the good people is held in every June. During the festival, the procession wearing in all sorts of folk costumes parades in fervent mood. Particularly, the battle show between warriors and "dragon" in the municipal square arouses the enthusiasm of the entire audience.
  Belgium has issued the stamps of "Festival of Giants" in 1971 and 1999. French also issued the stamps of "Festival of Giants" in 1980. Since 2005 Processional giants and dragons declared by Belgium and France are part of the UNESCO Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
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