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1997年,全省火灾形势较为严峻,火灾四项指标除受伤人数比1996年略有下降外,其余三项指标则均呈上升趋势。据统计,1997年全省共发生大小火灾11009起(其中小火8759起),因火灾死亡195人,受伤201人,直接财产损失15274.9万元,烧毁建筑面积43.3万平方米,受灾4312户。其中,特大火灾发生9起,重大火灾发生75起。全省日均火灾30起,直接损失41.9万元。次均火灾损失1.39万元,人均火灾损失3.5元。如除去小火部分与1996年对比,火灾起数上升29.6%,死亡人数上升23.4%,受伤人数下降2.4%,直接损失上升30.6%。 In 1997, the fire situation in the province was relatively harsh. Except for the four major indicators of fire, the number of injuries was slightly lower than that in 1996, the other three indicators showed an upward trend. According to statistics, a total of 11,199 large and small fires (of which 8,759 were minor ones) occurred in 1997 in the province. There were 195 deaths due to fire and 201 injuries. The direct property loss was 152.749 million yuan, burning 433,000 square meters of building area and 4312 households were affected. Among them, there were 9 major fires and 75 major fires. The province’s average daily fire 30, the direct loss of 419,000 yuan. The average fire loss of 13,900 yuan, 3.5 yuan per capita fire loss. For example, in comparison with 1996, the number of fires increased by 29.6%, the death toll increased by 23.4%, the number of wounded people decreased by 2.4% and the direct loss increased by 30.6%.
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