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20多年前的台湾市场与今天的大陆市场极为相似。1975年1月,台湾工矿公司决定在台北火车站前兴建一座13层的大厦(地下2层,地上11层,总建筑面积1.5万平方米),该公司只需使用1层。其余各层均准备租售。为此,委托台北房屋服务公司(以下简称“北屋”)全盘代理该大厦的广告与销售工作。“北屋”接受代理委托后,首先调查弄清了该大厦产权的确属于工矿公司,没有任何产权纠纷,具备了业务开展的前提条件。第二步,“北屋”对台湾房地产市场进行了调查,并得出下述结论: 高楼大厦在台湾,尤其台北都市地区,在当时已出现供大于求的趋势,市场渐趋疲弱。 The Taiwan market more than 20 years ago is very similar to the mainland market today. In January 1975, Taiwan’s mining and mining company decided to build a 13-storey building (2 floors underground and 11 floors above ground, with a total construction area of ​​15,000 square meters) in front of the Taipei Railway Station. The company only used one floor. The remaining layers are ready for sale. To this end, commissioned the Taipei Housing Services Company (hereinafter referred to as “North House”) a full proxy for the building’s advertising and sales. “North House” commissioned by the agent, the first investigation found that the real estate ownership of the building does belong to industrial and mining companies, there is no dispute over property rights, with the preconditions for business development. In the second step, the “North House” conducted a survey on the real estate market in Taiwan and reached the following conclusion: In Taiwan, especially in the metropolitan area of ​​Taipei, high-rise buildings have seen a trend of oversupply, with the market getting weaker.
  目的 探讨急性二氧化硫大批中毒患者院内救治的组织与实施,以进一步提高批量患者救治质量。方法 回顾性总结"7·12"事件中的批量患者在急诊科内救治的相关资料,分析其救治
  目的 探讨灾难医学与院前急救医学一体化发展模式的教学方法。 方法 一是医学院校开设《灾难医学》课程和设立灾难医学系;二是以急救中心为基础,建立灾难急救移动医院。结
经国务院批准 ,中国人民银行决定从 2 0 0 3年 9月 2 1日起 ,提高存款准备金率 1个百分点 ,即存款准备金率由现行的 6 %调高至 7%。这次存款准备金率上调 ,主要目的是为了防
  目的:提高对突发公共事件的认识和院前紧急救援的能力。方法:回顾分析昆明市区19 次重大突发公共事件的院前紧急救援情况,总结经验教训。结果:19 次重大突发公共事件,伤亡人数