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科技部部长徐冠华在武汉举行的国家高新区所在市市长座谈会上透露,我国将大力推进科技企业孵化器,促进科技成果转化和产业化,努力培育新兴科技企业和新的经济增长点。自1987年以来,全国目前具有一定规模的各类孵化器已达300多个,在转化科技成果,培育科技型中小企业方面发挥了重要作用,但随着“九五”科技计划的完成,大量成果亟待转化,社会各方面对成果转化平台建设的要求更加迫切,我国孵化器无论从数量还是质量方面都需要一个新的更大的发展,以满足日益增长的高新技术产业和科技人员创新创业的需求。为此,科技部决定在“十五”期间,把大力推进各类孵化器建设纳入计划,加大引导和扶持力度,不断探索新的组织形式和服务形式,设立每年总额为5000万元的孵化器建设引导资金和合作基金,重点支持建设国家高新技术创业服务中心,国家大学科技园,国家留学人员创业园,国家火炬计划软件园等示范性孵化器。科技部新近颁布的中国科技企业孵化器“十五”期间发展纲要,要求5年内力争使每一个具有一定科技实力的大中城市都至少建立一个以高新技术创业服务 Minister of Science and Technology Xu Guanhua revealed at the Mayor's Symposium of the State High-tech Zone in Wuhan that China will vigorously promote technological business incubators, promote the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements and strive to cultivate emerging technological enterprises and new economic growth points. Since 1987, there have been over 300 incubators of various sizes in the country, playing an important role in transforming scientific and technological achievements and fostering small and medium-sized science and technology enterprises. However, with the completion of the “95” science and technology plan, A great deal of achievements need to be transformed urgently and all aspects of society have become more urgent on the construction of a platform for achievement transformation. Our incubators need a new and greater development both in quantity and in quality so as to meet the ever-increasing demand of innovation and entrepreneurship in high-tech industries and scientific and technological personnel The demand. To this end, the Ministry of Science and Technology decided that during the “10th Five-Year Plan” period, it will vigorously push forward the construction of various types of incubators into the plan, increase guidance and support and constantly explore new forms of organization and services and establish a total annual amount of 50 million yuan Incubator construction guide funds and cooperation funds, focusing on supporting the construction of national high-tech start-up service center, the National University Science Park, the National Overseas Students Pioneer Park, the National Torch Plan Software Park and other exemplary incubators. The Outline for the Development of China's Scientific and Technological Business Incubator “during the” Tenth Five-year Plan "recently promulgated by the Ministry of Science and Technology requires that in five years every large and medium-sized city that has certain scientific and technological strength should strive to establish at least one high-tech start-up service
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一年之计在于春。面对新一年的春耕生产,全区各县市抢抓兴修农田水利,行动迅速,措施得力,干部群众全出动投入到水利大会战中,唱响了春耕生产第一曲。 Year plan is in sprin